That's pretty disappointing to be honest, I knew the tricks for the healing mechanic and I was able to stay alive no problem at all solo, but once into the dungeons with random people it was just impossible.
Since I last played it looks like they've completely reworked the skills and talent trees.
Might be more variation for heals now?
No, you're misunderstanding me. I had several occasions where I would go into a 4 man dungeon, the others would wipe out due to having no healing, leaving me to get ganked, queue the others leaving and then the whole thing being a complete waste of time. I understood why they made the game this way, but it made it incredibly frustrating for someone who didn't have access to a guild or group of friends who were also playing the game. Not having a healing class seemed then, and still seems now to be a glaring omission, but I guess it works. Just not for a casual player like me at that time, and probably now too if it's still set up the same way. Unless of course the game is far easier and you can solo the four man dungeons/raids.
I've played GW since the days of the GW1 beta, and have nearly 5000 hours in GW2. I gave it up when they released the Heart of Thorns 'Expansion' at the same price as a full game and didn't even have the decency to include a character slot in the price.
is there a ocuk gw2 guild?
I find it selfish how you have nearly 5000 Hours in the game yet throw your dummy out the pram because they charge £30 for an expansion.
This wasn't on bosses, this was way before that. I remember it being a huge talking point at the time anyway but I guess things have changed. Anyway, I'll give it another go and see what happens.
I bought this game with high hopes a few months ago but it didn't really grab me at the time. I'm between games at the moment so might load this up and have another go. I seem to recall that I didn't enjoy having my abilities mixed up when I changed weapons.
I'm impressed by how many people you still around in the world even at lower level, Event kicks off and people suddenly flock towards it.