GVT- Great Volume Trauma

Squats 10X10 85kg all fine weight going up.
Deficit Bulgarian Split Squats (dumbells) 10x10 7kg horrible horrible, done it
DB Lunges 3x10 12kg set 1 ok two and three died horribly
DB Side Raises 3x10 7kg I love the feeling still.
That feeling the day after leg day (featuring deficit Bulgarian split squats) and the only fridge in the house is a built-under one...

No stairs required. :( :( :(
Bench 10x10 40kg- Set 7 and onwards I wasn't getting my 10 reps, but I think ill keep the weight.
Rows 10x10 17kg Someone was using the 20's didn't want to wait as I only have two minutes rest between exercises.
Pressups 3x10 Didn't want to waste it doing dips and changed it for pressups. All ok haven't done them for a while but its fine.
DB Push Press 3x10 10kg felt ok but I think ill keep the weight for another session then try.
Week 3
Day 3
Deadlift 3x10@90kg Up next week
OHP 10x10 Improving I think give it a another two sessions and I should be ok with the sets.
RDL 10x10@50kg going up next week, kills my grip. But apparently you shouldn't do alternative grip like I do with my deadlift. Shame as my grip would be fine.
Nothing wrong with straps, especially if you're not using RDLs to train forearm and grip strength - which of course you aren't :p After a lot of volumes on deads it would make sense to have something to fall back on when you need it, could only use them when you start to feel your grip going.
Rather not use straps ill make do with the chalk and grit my teeth.

What are you trying to achieve by doing RDLs: forearm or leg and back hypertrophy?

If the former, carry on without straps. If the latter, strap up and reap the tree-trunk forearms from your deadlifts.

I once thought as you do when my coach suggest using straps... But then I realised that lifting heavy stuff is hard and muscles fatigue at unhelpful points. Grip is a weak link for most people as it often flakes out before the target muscles do.

And if you really want to do the manly thing? Get some FatGripz and do your RDLs. ;)
As said, there's no point being pig-headed about never using straps - there's a time and a place for them and if they're good enough for elite weightlifters, powerlifters etc...

Also timely article from Lyle.

I do all my regular deads with without them but use them for RDLs as well as things like seal rows because I find it helps me pull with my arms less and more with my back. I just have some IronMind Sew Easy's, which are a middle ground between the open sort weightlifters use and the threaded ones PL/bros use.
Terrible session yesterday, I just came off my first nightshift in months and had been awake for just over 24hrs. Plus halfway through my shift my left knee really started hurting. Yesturday was meant to be leg session, I was stubborn and tried it, got to squats done first set and said "nope".
Done chest instead but I was a zombie, I need my sleep.

Bench 10x10 40kg- Sets up to 7 ok started losing a couple reps as the sets went on.
Rows 10x10 20kg Fine going up next week
Pressups 3x10 quite easy may have to add a couple more sets into it.
DB Push Press 3x10 actually done side raises as I didn't want to agitate my knee.

Walked away from the gym annoyed. Today Im meant to be gyming it but I think ill take a rest day and just try and recover (eat loads). My knee is a lot better and wouldn't surprise me if ill be fine in a one or two days.
Knee is fine, trust me, done legs today..

Squats 10X10 87kg all fine weight going up.
Deficit Bulgarian Split Squats (dumbells) 10x10 7kg Felt like the first week I tried them, a new kind of pain. All because I missed one leg session because of my knee. Im still dieing at about set 7, I hope that feeling would come at about 8...
DB Lunges 3x10 12kg Actually felt quite good, not sure to put the weight up or leave it.
DB Side Raises 3x10 7kg I love the feeling still, but may go up to 10kg, as long as I can do it very slow and controlled and of course sexy.
Bench 10x10 40kg- Another week at this weight and I think ill go up.
Rows 10x10 20kg Going up next week.
Pressups 3x10 Fine, was a bit naughty and should have done 5 sets or something, as 3 is a bit easy.
DB Push Press 3x10 10kg Like the feeling on this exercise, still gonna keep the weight but, yes I do like it.
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