***Gym Exercise Guide, and Form Discussion/Feedback***

Don't worry, buddy! We've all been there to lesser or greater degrees! :)

And to be fair, you doctors never learn this stuff, which is odd considering how important it is to so many people, their posture, health and fitness. So whilst your course is filling your head full of anatomy, physiology and pharmacology (and yes, that stuff is important), you are learning about hw the body moves, joints flex and generally exists in space in both a healthy and unhealthy manner. :)

Long may it stay with you and hold you above your muppet course mates that will spend their lives prescribing painkillers, surgery and radiography for no good reason. ;)
Some people are just tight, doing less mobility in this situation is definitely not the answer!

What's causing that tightness can be very varied, but whatever is wrong learning how to move your joints in certain ways and be in certain positions is vital. This is just the reality for people who haven't done a lot of exercise (not exclusively or always...).

Do the super couch with slightly less knee flexion, so try having your rear foot on a step or something.

If you fall backwards when you do squat to stands then you need to look at your ankles. You can do a *******ised version of the movement while holding on to something in front of you. The same applies to russian baby makers.
I can't do that leg against the wall behind me thing very well either, bleeding hurts. :p

Tried those RBMs the other day actually, they're tasty.
Realised that it's been weeks since I actually did any exercise. Given how annoyed I am about all this, I was considering not lifting today and doing cardio instead. I then came to my senses and did some squats. I've got some good videos to show you guys and some horrific ones. Also I pulled a hamstring again on the bench press and my shoulder still pains after a few reps of 20kg, but let's focus on the squats
Yep, looking better I think, you're still rotating your hips though before you hip hinge. That said, have you seen the MWOD video about that?

Keep at it buddy.
Yay progress, looking much more natural. Small steps at a time mate that is decent step forward from just the other day.
You will get there mate :)

I don't know if I made this point obviously enough in my last post:

You need to be practising good movement as much as you can. This means all day, and whenever you think of it. Standing somewhere? Mobilise your ankles. Going to the toilet? Do some lateral lunges. Anywhere at all? Practise hip hinging.

Also, you have not pulled your hamstring ;)

Delvis, yes. Pretty much everything will help.

In fact, starting at the beginning of the mwod videos and working forwards isn't a bad idea.

That does look like it would help. Cheers bud.

Yay progress, looking much more natural. Small steps at a time mate that is decent step forward from just the other day.

Lots of small steps = much ground covered :)

You will get there mate :)

I don't know if I made this point obviously enough in my last post:

You need to be practising good movement as much as you can. This means all day, and whenever you think of it. Standing somewhere? Mobilise your ankles. Going to the toilet? Do some lateral lunges. Anywhere at all? Practise hip hinging.

Also, you have not pulled your hamstring ;)

Delvis, yes. Pretty much everything will help.

In fact, starting at the beginning of the mwod videos and working forwards isn't a bad idea.

Interestingly, I have been practicing movement. Whenever I pick something from the ground I always squat down and pick it up. Also whenever I'm just standing around, I bend my knees slightly and push them out as far as possible over my toes. I then 'bop' in this position because I'm bored.

I have not pulled my hamstring, I meant I got cramp :p

In fact I did check out the beginning of the mwod videos. The first one is Starrett talking about staying for 10 mins in a squat right? I tried that every night for a few days, and managed to get about 2 mins or so at one point. Haven't tried in a while though.

Ice, in the vid I just posted, how is my back looking? I've got a goblet squat vid too that I'll upload soon
Tip: when practicing body weight squats, have you arms out straight in front of you to counter balance yourself. I used to do them every day next to the mirror.
Still too arched.

Not that this level of explanation helps, but you're using your psoas in lieu of core stability.

Do the paleo chair again, and rock around between both feet while pushing your knees out.
You're getting some of that extra 'depth' by bending your back.

At the bottom of the squat, look at the angle of your lumbar region in relation to your shoulders... It's not a straight line. More hip flexion, and chest up! :)

God damn, how many size commands in that quote?! lol

Anyway, I do something similar, I put my arms up and out, then 1/4 squat, then hands to feet, squat down, arms up and out, stand up.
do that a few times. Does that makes sense?
More vids from yesterday

Here's some goblet squats so you can see what's going on with my back.

And here's a video from behind and from the sides. I've made my stance narrower and my feet aren't as wide. I can clearly see something going on with my back though, so that needs to be sorted

To bfair, buddy, the goblets don't look too bad at all! :)

Your hip and ankle mobility sucks, but I wouldn't be too upset with that. And goblets are a very good way to improve both of those as well as core strength.

I would suggest carrying on with goblets (depending on whether or not your dumbells go up above 20kg) for a couple of weeks and do the following:

- Heels closer together (shoulder width works for me);
- Push those knees out WIDE! :)
- Stick some fractional plates (1.25kg) under your heels as you squat.

Meanwhile, carry on with your mobility and - as you start freeing up - you can move to the barbell. There is nothing stopping you from going straight to the barbell, but it looks like you can control the goblet a bit better. You still have bum wink, but the three points above should help with that. You can also apply them to the barbell back squat, too - nobody catches me in the gym without my Cuban heels and a narrow stance! :D

I'm in something of a minority on this forum, however, simply because I don't really back squat any more, so feel free to take my advice as seriously as the paper it's written on. :)
Any squat will be fine really, he just needs to train the movement with enough time.
I just find the whole limitation so weird, it confuses me. I couldn't imagine being able to squat down and not actually get to the floor....

TheCenturion, if you was to squat down now so your bums in between your ankles, how would it look?
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