Hackintosh or iMac?

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Hackintosh, obviously. Unless you're one of them silly people that prefer form over function and have money to burn.

PC hardware is in no way inferior to Mac hardware, if it were then Apple wouldn't have moved over to Intel processors. I've *assessed* Leopard for about a month on a PC, it worked perfectly for everything I threw at it, then I realised that I couldn't play any games, there was no office suite to match MS Office, I couldn't use IE7 and most of the apps I use for work were unavailable for OSX so I was left with an operating system that just ... looked nice.
Both have there pro's and con's, I would lean towards a quad core hackintosh, it's sometimes a little tricky to update but you can keep upgrading the CPU and RAM when you need more power. This is something you simply can't do with the iMac well upgrading the CPU.

Plus if you went and bough a shiny new Mac Pro would you keep looking at it every 2 minutes?

And for those of you saying PC's are loud, all you need to do is replace the fans with higher quality ones, and get a fan less CPU cooler plus a passively cooled graphics card and there you have it a near silent system depending on how loud the PSU is.
And for those of you saying PC's are loud, all you need to do is replace the fans with higher quality ones, and get a fan less CPU cooler plus a passively cooled graphics card and there you have it a near silent system depending on how loud the PSU is.
Have you actually heard how quiet an iMac is? It's pretty impressive to say the least. This would be my main reason for getting one over a hackingtosh. None of the fans on my PC are above 800rpm, yet it isn't as quiet as an iMac
Have you actually heard how quiet an iMac is? It's pretty impressive to say the least. This would be my main reason for getting one over a hackingtosh. None of the fans on my PC are above 800rpm, yet it isn't as quiet as an iMac

Yes I have heard an iMac as a few of my friends have them but when I use my pc I always have music or my tv on so a little bit of noise does not bother me. I sleep with my PC on 24/7 and it does not bother me at all.
Don't tell me they're not stable, I've been using one for months.

Erm me too so dont tell they are. I cant turn mine off properly lol.

there is no way to update/install drivers. Its a faff for geeks who want to experiment, not a work platform.

Have you actually heard how quiet an iMac is? It's pretty impressive to say the least. This would be my main reason for getting one over a hackingtosh. None of the fans on my PC are above 800rpm, yet it isn't as quiet as an iMac
If I built a PC using a laptop CPU I could make it pretty quiet ;)

A hackintosh is like putting a BMW M5 engine in a rude-boy Saxo. Sure it will go like stink but looks like crap.

I want the whole Apple experience and that isn't just OS X.
If you want the OSX feel but dont want to spend the money on a MAC, or having issues with the hackintosh (I cant get it to work well enough), then give gOS a wirl.

Its Ubuntu underneath, but very OSX feeling, and its free.

A hackintosh is like putting a BMW M5 engine in a rude-boy Saxo. Sure it will go like stink but looks like crap.

I want the whole Apple experience and that isn't just OS X.

You don't HAVE to use cheap crap hardware, there are plenty of nice PC cases, monitors, peripherals out there. A PC doesn't have to look cheap, it's just that most of them do because they ARE cheap. Makes sense really.
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