Just glad to hear the OP is OK..
The thing with bikes, is if you are lucky you have a little time before impact to try and control the bike, after you demount, you are to some extent in the lap of the Gods!
But assuming the Gods a looking down on your favourably, you do need 'proper' kit to make sure you minimise whatever injuries you may get..
I never felt invincible in my full gear, but I did feel amazingly vunerable without it!
The other thing that I would mention is that I am always a little weary when people say the car just pulled out and I had no time to react.. I sometimes think this may be down to 'hazard perception', you tend to be quite defensive on bikes when it comes to junctions etc, and should half expect cars to be pulling out, it's not always avoidable, but from the many times I've had people not see me and pull out, I've always had enough time to take evasive action.. Of course, I'm sure that a lot of times it really is a case of nothing can be done, but you need to assess if truly this was the case, always see if you can improve your riding technique/awareness!
The thing with bikes, is if you are lucky you have a little time before impact to try and control the bike, after you demount, you are to some extent in the lap of the Gods!
But assuming the Gods a looking down on your favourably, you do need 'proper' kit to make sure you minimise whatever injuries you may get..
I never felt invincible in my full gear, but I did feel amazingly vunerable without it!
The other thing that I would mention is that I am always a little weary when people say the car just pulled out and I had no time to react.. I sometimes think this may be down to 'hazard perception', you tend to be quite defensive on bikes when it comes to junctions etc, and should half expect cars to be pulling out, it's not always avoidable, but from the many times I've had people not see me and pull out, I've always had enough time to take evasive action.. Of course, I'm sure that a lot of times it really is a case of nothing can be done, but you need to assess if truly this was the case, always see if you can improve your riding technique/awareness!