Halal Food - WTF?

27 Feb 2013
Recently a restaurant opened in our town centre, and I am pretty annoyed.

Its an "Indian Hal-al Buffet" and looks to have only recently opened.

Now, there are two things that really annoy me about this...

1) We have hardly any muslims let alone Indians in our town, so I cannot see where the demand is coming from..

2) I looked into the Halal foods, and I am quite frankly repulsed. How is a restaurant allowed to sell food from which the animals have been through so much suffering just for a silly religion? I thought we had vetinary standards in this country that had to be adhered to, so WHY do we have a restaurant that is selling food that has not been slaughtered to UK standards?

What steps can I take about this? Could I complain to the council? I presume they would have had to issue some sort of permit/restaurant licence for this premises?

Its quite upsetting that this has been allowed to happen, what can be done to ensure that these restaurants only use properly slaughtered meat to our standards, not some religion.
I personally dislike Halal and would never choose to buy it (although in reality if you look into a lot of supermarket foods many of them are Halal and don't advertise it). But the restaurant is entitled to sell what it likes - if the market isn't there then it will close shortly but if the market is there then you were obviously wrong about the demand.

But why are you annoyed about something that you can simply choose not to use?
Don't eat there?
Halal food AFAIK is fully licensed and all approved by authorities anyway.
Take yer xenophobia to the council if you want mate.

HFA said:
Halal Food Authority (HFA) is an independent, voluntary, non-profit, organisation operating as a commercial wing of a registered charity. The objective of the HFA is to facilitate the Muslim Ummah to be partial to genuinely manufactured halal food in compliance of the HFA Halal Standards, Islamic Jurisprudence and relevant EU regulations in vogue. Simultaneously, the HFA creates awareness of halal principles and axioms for halal production within food industry, consumers and various national and international forums

EDIT: And tbh the meat I've bought (chicken,chicken breast,lamb) is all a damn site better quality than the rubbish in supermarkets.
Recently a restaurant opened in our town centre, and I am pretty annoyed.

Its an "Indian Hal-al Buffet" and looks to have only recently opened.

Now, there are two things that really annoy me about this...

1) We have hardly any muslims let alone Indians in our town, so I cannot see where the demand is coming from..

2) I looked into the Halal foods, and I am quite frankly repulsed. How is a restaurant allowed to sell food from which the animals have been through so much suffering just for a silly religion? I thought we had vetinary standards in this country that had to be adhered to, so WHY do we have a restaurant that is selling food that has not been slaughtered to UK standards?

What steps can I take about this? Could I complain to the council? I presume they would have had to issue some sort of permit/restaurant licence for this premises?

Its quite upsetting that this has been allowed to happen, what can be done to ensure that these restaurants only use properly slaughtered meat to our standards, not some religion.

What are you talking about? Halal meat is done by slaughtering animals in a more humane (instant death) way not the other way round
Incoming troll


No one is forcing you to eat halal food/meat FFS :rolleyes:
1) We have hardly any muslims let alone Indians in our town, so I cannot see where the demand is coming from..

Plenty of people go out for Currys... plenty of curry places will serve halal whether they advertise it prominently or not...(lots of 'Indian' restaraunts are run by Bangladeshis) You hardly need a big population of Indian Muslims to open a curry house....

2) I looked into the Halal foods, and I am quite frankly repulsed. How is a restaurant allowed to sell food from which the animals have been through so much suffering just for a silly religion? I thought we had vetinary standards in this country that had to be adhered to, so WHY do we have a restaurant that is selling food that has not been slaughtered to UK standards?

I agree with you, I'm also anti-battery farming chickens etc... I try to buy free range when I can and I don't deliberately buy halal either... though occasionally I do have a chicken kebab that's likely come from battery farming or a curry that contains halal meat... I'd be happy to pay more and for those practices to be outlawed. Unfortunately, with halal, there are some rather vocal magic-sky-pixie worshiping types who will start to get vocal about it if a ban was attempted. It would require legislation at a national level and its unlikely to happen any time soon... your local council can't do anything.
I'll never forget when I was tricked into watching a video showcasing Halal slaughtering methods, it is beyond sadistic and then Muslims wonder why they get so much flak. I've have never bought into any of the Muslim bashing trends but I just couldn't ignore this one, the worlds gone mad when they condone sadistic behaviour in the name of the God Squad, it's disgusting.

This is right up there with Chinese slaughter Bazaars, where animals are skinned alive and beaten half to death.
I've learnt to tolerate people and not be surprised by their slightly different customs and cultures.

We use toilet rolls imagine how freaked out they are by that, they are much cleaner and wash each time, Jeez us Christians are filthy animals.
Hang on...

Our UK slaughter method dictates that the animal should be rendered unconscious and therefore unable to suffer.

Halal means the animal is either pinned down and has its throat slashed, or its hung up by its legs and has its throat slashed. All while fully conscious. Charming.

How can that be allowed? What the point in all our vetinary legislation if you can just slash an animals throat, nice and cheaply?

Why can't ALL these retarded religions be forced to eat meat that is killed to OUR UK standards? Otherwise what's the point in even developing and maintaining these rules in the first place, if people can start mistreating animals and using religion as the excuse?

Its upsetting.
I'll never forget when I was tricked into watching a video showcasing Halal slaughtering methods, it is beyond sadistic and then Muslims wonder why they get so much flak. I've have never bought into any of the Muslim bashing trends but I just couldn't ignore this one, the worlds gone mad when they condone sadistic behaviour in the name of the God Squad, it's disgusting.

This is right up there with Chinese slaughter Bazaars, where animals are skinned alive and beaten half to death.

People saying 'just don't eat there' are wrong, the OP is perfectly entitled to complain and campaign about practices he finds distasteful on moral and animal rights grounds. He shouldn't be branded a xenophobe or racist just because it happens to be a muslim thing.

As for the halal is humane argument, I would be surprised if that was true tbh, unless the animals are stunned first?
So many places are Halal now ans its disgusting imo. Horrible way to kill animals and it should be illegal to not advertise clearly if the meat you are selling is Halal
If you actually cared about this and looked into it rather than bending to hearsay you would quickly discover than over 90% of all halal meat in the UK is slaughtered in basically the same way as normal meat, i.e it is stunned first.

Instead I assume the OP and many of the posters in this thread are just looking for yet another reason to get angry at Islam, rather than having any genuine concern for animals.

Don't get me wrong I am against Halal slaughter, however the majority of halal meat is not done without stunning.
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