Yeah people do need to grow a pair,
It's why UK is being overrun because sackless liberals.
I honestly couldn't care what religion people follow, it doesn't effect my opinion of them even though I think it's all tosh.
However, when it's an outrage to don an England flag on your car or out of a window during the World Cup because it somehow offends the Muslims (albeit a small minority of them) that you are representing the flag of the ****ing country you all live in.
And when a Muslim extremist burns poppies infront of people who lost close friends while they fought for the country in the second World War and then desecrates a war memorial and gets away with it to appease to a foreign religion... and then a white British man decides to take it into his own hands and paints a poppy in the side of a Mosque he gets sentenced in Prison?
When we are not only forced, but tricked into eating inhumane Halal simply because it's cheaper and politically easier for companies to use it...
Ergh, it's infuriating, and it's downright abysmal that you cannot express how wrong this kind of behaviour is without being labelled a bigot/racist/xenophobe. Muslims can do what they want in our country and it's ridiculous. If a Muslim girl wants to wear a Burka to school, then fine, I have no problems with that as it's a part of their religion and it has no effect on me.
But when people complain about the strong rooted culture of a country
THEY CHOSE to live in and try and change the entire social and ethical structure of said country to suit them...
they need sending back home.
****ing yes men everywhere.
tl;dr: I don't agree with all the 'send em all back' bother than UKIP/BNP etc. try and shove down our throats, but as I said above the second somebody enters another country and tries to change it to suit them, they give up their rights to even mention said country in a sentence let alone live there.