Halal Food - WTF?

You don't have to eat KFC...:rolleyes:

You are not really getting the point. If i want to eat KFC that has been in the UK For about 30 years and has not been halal you now are forced to eat halal if you want to.

I have a few indian/sikh friends that do not eat halal as it is against their beliefs. So now they cannot as they have changed their product to appease one religion and has alienated another. :rolleyes:
Also according to one article (though potentially bias article) places like subway are importing halal from Ireland where it doesn't have to be stunned and is not before slaughter...
You are not really getting the point. If i want to eat KFC that has been in the UK For about 30 years and has not been halal you now are forced to eat halal if you want to.

I have a few indian/sikh friends that do not eat halal as it is against their beliefs. So now they cannot as they have changed their product to appease one religion and has alienated another. :rolleyes:

We pretty much live in an Islamic state now dude, just look at the whole poppy vs mosque affair. Muslim burns poppies and desecrates war memorial and gets let off with it, white British man fires back by drawing a poppy on the side of a Mosque and gets sentenced.

Though in the governments defense, I suppose it's better than 7/7 being reenacted every day.

You don't have to eat KFC...:rolleyes:

Oh my god, what sound reasoning. Let's not do something we've done for years just because it's done through inhumane means now to suit a barbaric religion. Get a grip. :rolleyes:
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You are not really getting the point. If i want to eat KFC that has been in the UK For about 30 years and has not been halal you now are forced to eat halal if you want to.

I have a few indian/sikh friends that do not eat halal as it is against their beliefs. So now they cannot as they have changed their product to appease one religion and has alienated another. :rolleyes:

a) Indian is a nationality. Sikh is a religion. I believe you mean Hindu.

b) I'm Hindu and I'm not aware of any such belief.

c) No Hindu or Sikh I know (And I know a lot) give a dam about eating Halal meat.
What are you talking about? Halal meat is done by slaughtering animals in a more humane (instant death) way not the other way round

Not sure if serious or just misinformed.

Halal slaughter involves cutting the animal's throat while it is still fully conscious, and left to bleed out. In a non-religious slaughter, the animal must be stunned first. You seriously think the former method is more humane?



Then that simply is not Halal.

In order for meat to meet (lol) Halal/Coshure standards in Islam, animals must be slaughtered by the standards of the Islamic law 'Dhabihah' in which the animal must be drawn and have it's throat, carotid arteries and jugular completely torn through but the spinal chord left intact in order for the animal to feel pain as anything else is 'against nature'. Under Dhabihah any animal which is slaughtered in any humane way (i.e in such a way which could not happen naturally) it is strictly against Islam and is illegal for any Muslim to consume.

Honestly I get why people jump on the sword to defend foreign religions/cultures to avoid looking racist, but that is going too far. No offence intended but people need to grow a pair, the second anything about religion is questioned, the words Xenophobia and racist/bigot gets thrown around instantly.

Yeah people do need to grow a pair,

It's why UK is being overrun because sackless liberals.
There's people all over the world who disagree with eating all meat for humane, moral and a number of other reasons. They're called vegetarians, and they don't eat meat.

No one is making you eat it. If you don't like it, don't eat it.

Either stop caring, or walk with your feet.

exactly, most chains are serving halal so as not to alienate the muslim continent thinking that us white folks wont care about it anyway so we should be forced to eat meat that was for all intents killed for a religious group.

Just because your white doens't mean you cant haev muslim beliefs.

It is wrong and immoral. That Halal production is now massive and taking over supermarket supply is also cause for concern.

TBH it probably emans the meat you're buying in the supermarket is better quality than the usual injected full of ater rubbish.

Some nando's already are.. when Mcdonalds goes halal and pizza places also go halal then you wont be able to eat out if you don't want non halal food. that has to be wrong surely.

Yeah I don't think all Nandos are yet, mind you I won't be going to Nandos in a long time after what they served me claiming to be 2 chicken breasts LMAO, serioulsy they'd have been hard pushed to get them off a bloody pidgeon.

When you go out to a restaurant do you ALWAYS ask if the meat is halal if its not advertised?

We have not had enough ANTI HALAL movements in the UK sadly. This needs to be brought up more on programmes like Question Time to really get it into the mind of the nation otherwise we will blaise just let it happen.

I think recently after the whole beef/horse meat issues we kinda need to get the food industry sorted before trying to make any changes. As far as I was aware the halal stuff was always shocked over here first anyway. that on top of the stuff I've bought being far better than supermarket stuff meant I didn't mind if it had an additional sticker on it.

Besides even if it's not shocked first it's still not going to suffer as long as things like caged chickens and battery farms, those animals are constantly enduring horrendous treament, This would come far further up my must fix list that halal meat.
What's worse is they put Indian and Halal on the same line..and what's with the demand line curries are popular?

Muslimsnneed to stop opening up Indian restaurants
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a) Indian is a nationality. Sikh is a religion. I believe you mean Hindu.

b) I'm Hindu and I'm not aware of any such belief.

c) No Hindu or Sikh I know (And I know a lot) give a dam about eating Halal meat.
Hes not wrong though, Halal/Kosher meat isnt something Sikhs should be eating - yet for intents and purposes its not that easy to avoid when eating out. I doubt its well practised, but then most Sikhs are just more tolerable/better integrated...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Yeah people do need to grow a pair,

It's why UK is being overrun because sackless liberals.

I honestly couldn't care what religion people follow, it doesn't effect my opinion of them even though I think it's all tosh.

However, when it's an outrage to don an England flag on your car or out of a window during the World Cup because it somehow offends the Muslims (albeit a small minority of them) that you are representing the flag of the ****ing country you all live in.

And when a Muslim extremist burns poppies infront of people who lost close friends while they fought for the country in the second World War and then desecrates a war memorial and gets away with it to appease to a foreign religion... and then a white British man decides to take it into his own hands and paints a poppy in the side of a Mosque he gets sentenced in Prison?

When we are not only forced, but tricked into eating inhumane Halal simply because it's cheaper and politically easier for companies to use it...

Ergh, it's infuriating, and it's downright abysmal that you cannot express how wrong this kind of behaviour is without being labelled a bigot/racist/xenophobe. Muslims can do what they want in our country and it's ridiculous. If a Muslim girl wants to wear a Burka to school, then fine, I have no problems with that as it's a part of their religion and it has no effect on me.

But when people complain about the strong rooted culture of a country THEY CHOSE to live in and try and change the entire social and ethical structure of said country to suit them...

they need sending back home.

****ing yes men everywhere.

tl;dr: I don't agree with all the 'send em all back' bother than UKIP/BNP etc. try and shove down our throats, but as I said above the second somebody enters another country and tries to change it to suit them, they give up their rights to even mention said country in a sentence let alone live there.
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However, when it's an outrage to don an England flag on your car or out of a window during the World Cup because it somehow offends the Muslims (albeit a small minority of them) that you are representing the flag of the ****ing country you all live in.

But it's not an outrage, is it? Stop believing everything you read in the papers - when have you ever heard of anyone actually complaining? In your day to day life?

My ex lives in East London in an area that is majority non-white and there are England flags all over the place when the football's on, and no one cares. Plenty of them are on the houses of non-white people.

I've never heard an actual person complain about an England flag, and never heard of anyone being asked to remove one. Of course if it happens once, it's all over the papers, but it doesn't mean it's common or normal.
+1 on this, I actively avoid any Halal meat as it doesn't sound very pleasant for the animals. If a restaurant/retailer only does Halal and doesn't do a normal option, then they won't get my business. But... that's the whole point of a free market for both their choice on what they sell and my choice on who gets my money.

Restaurants/retailers that don't have the product labelled as Halal, but then you find out it is Halal, is very naughty IMHO and again I would actively avoid them in the future. My vote would be for legislation where Halal meat must be labelled, and any unlabelled meat must mean it's normal.

TBH I'm kinda surprised all the hippies animal rights lobbies aren't all over the media petitioning against Halal?
Recently a restaurant opened in our town centre, and I am pretty annoyed.

Its an "Indian Hal-al Buffet" and looks to have only recently opened.

Now, there are two things that really annoy me about this...

1) We have hardly any muslims let alone Indians in our town, so I cannot see where the demand is coming from..

2) I looked into the Halal foods, and I am quite frankly repulsed. How is a restaurant allowed to sell food from which the animals have been through so much suffering just for a silly religion? I thought we had vetinary standards in this country that had to be adhered to, so WHY do we have a restaurant that is selling food that has not been slaughtered to UK standards?

What steps can I take about this? Could I complain to the council? I presume they would have had to issue some sort of permit/restaurant licence for this premises?

Its quite upsetting that this has been allowed to happen, what can be done to ensure that these restaurants only use properly slaughtered meat to our standards, not some religion.

Well I'm as stunned as Halal animals aren't
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