Halal, is it meat you're looking for?

Would it be against the law for Muslims to eat this meat? If I'm correct the only thing they can get done for is animal cruelty and maybe food hygeine.
I assume they can get done for false advertisement as well

See I did think that but I've never seen halal meat advertised as halal unless in a butchers. So if it hasn't got a halal sticker on would it be false advertising? :confused:

Edit: saying that I have seen a KFC with a HFA sticker on the door but never a supermarket. Unless Muslims don't buy from supermarkets :confused:.
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See I did think that but I've never seen halal meat advertised as halal unless in a butchers. So if it hasn't got a halal sticker on would it be false advertising? :confused:

Edit: saying that I have seen a KFC with a HFA sticker on the door but never a supermarket. Unless Muslims don't buy from supermarkets :confused:.

When they supply the meat they to their customers they say its halal meat, i'm sure they need some certification as well. We do buy from supermarkets lol, the meat is labeled on packaging no need for a sticker on the door.
Arrgh right. I've never had to worry about this so I had no idea.

Makes sense :).

Lol no offense intended just personally never seen a halal sticker on meat in the supermarket. Then again it's not as though I'm looking for it.
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And Muslims are eating the meat :D.

But It hasn't harmed them has it, stupid, barbaric and outdated way to kill animals.

And you haven't transformed into a muslim due to the amount of halal meat you've apparently eaten. What's your point?

If you care that much about animals maybe you should be campaigning for them to have a better life that moaning about a slight difference to the last few seconds of their life. I sincerely hope you only buy "free range"/ field grown chicken and are very careful about where the meat in your food comes from. Bet you still buy the cheapest meat you can, like most others though...
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Read the statement from Animal Aid, it may get those with their pitchforks out marching towards the nearest mosque ask a few questions about animal welfare .....
Animal Aid recognises that, given the existence of strong anti-Muslim sentiment amongst a section of the British population, there is a risk that some people will use the release of our new halal slaughterhouse footage to stir up hatred rather than to advance the cause of animal protection. As an organisation opposed to racism and bigotry, that would be an outcome we would detest. However, withholding release of the footage would be a betrayal of our key mission: to expose and combat animal cruelty.

Bowood Yorkshire Lamb is the tenth slaughterhouse in which we have filmed undercover since January 2009. As with the others, we didn’t know what we would find when our cameras were planted, including that it was a halal establishment – the first we have investigated. All the other nine were practising so-called ‘humane slaughter’. Two were Soil Association-approved, and another was accredited by the RSPCA’s Freedom Foods scheme. In eight out of the nine, we found serious welfare breaches, including animals being kicked, punched in the face, given electric shocks, burnt with cigarettes and thrown about prior to having their throats cut (see the footage here).

So we see that Bowood Yorkshire Lamb does not have a monopoly on violent and incompetent handling of animals. The feature that distinguishes it from the traditional ‘humane’ English slaughterhouse is that it kills animals without pre-stunning with electric tongs or by a shot in the head with a captive bolt. Jewish and Muslim religious authorities assert that death by the shechita or halal methods, without pre-stunning (many halal slaughterhouses do, in fact, stun first), is instantaneous and painless. A body of evidence demonstrates that this is not a credible position, and our new footage removes any remaining doubt. Rather than animals being treated with compassion and being uninjured prior to the fatal cut, we see them routinely treated with gratuitous violence and contempt. Additionally, many of the sheep in our film are not dispatched with a single clean cut but have their throats hacked at repeatedly with a knife that is either blunt or being used ineptly.

Compassionate people whatever their religious beliefs, or none, will be appalled by the treatment endured by these animals. [B]But mainstream ‘humane’ slaughter, as we have seen, is also deeply problematic. We are unconvinced that the electric tongs, even when used properly, render an animal ‘instantly insensible’, as claimed. Rather, they might simply deliver an agonising, immobilising electric shock.[/B]

[B]Animal Aid believes that attacks on halal and shechita ‘ritual’ slaughter methods, by people who refuse also to speak out against ‘humane’ slaughter, are often rooted in bigotry and hypocrisy.[/B] How many people, for instance, who become impassioned on the question of halal slaughter, are prepared to forgo their weekly curried chicken or lamb – made from dead animals killed by the halal method? Similarly, when visiting predominantly Muslim countries (e.g. Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco) how many refrain from eating meat for the duration of their stay?

By whatever method animals are killed, or whichever authority presides over the killing, there is no mercy in a slaughterhouse. The animals are traumatised. They don’t want to be killed but they are killed, and for no good reason. Meat, egg and milk production are pitiless, bloody activities that are predicated on industrial-scale animal exploitation and killing. And yet we can thrive without animal products. That is why Animal Aid urges people to adopt an animal-free diet.

Andrew Tyler, Director
Animal Aid

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