Half-Life 2: Episode 1

nero120 said:
The steam engine looks so dated now compared to fear and condemned.
There's no Steam engine. It's the source engine, steam is just the distribution system. And tbh I don't think it's dated, it's just different. It's less shiny.
mark1 said:
Ravenholm is quite a bit before Nova Prospekt and the beach (i guess you mean the Highway one) is also before Nova Prospekt.

My mistake, I loved Ravenholm though it's great chopping up zombies :cool:
yeah what time? I got it brought already. Thought maybe 6pm today as america midnight is about then. But if its tonight at midnight I might stay up for it and play through. Any ideas?
Can't wait for this... Am finishing my preload as well speak:)

I've always been a fan of the HL series, and I'm even taking a break from Oblivion to play this (doesn't help that I accidentaly deleted my Oblivion save game after I'd been playing for around 70hrs :mad: )
bilston said:
When I try to click preload or pre order in Steam it gives me "The page cannot be displayed" error :(

Any ideas?

Yeah, I get that too. I was given a remedy to that on the previous page, didn't work for me though. Or I'm not doing it right, but a reinstall of Steam might help. I'm just too lazy to be bothered atm. :)
Nope nothing like that running. Still no joy after disabling literally everything then restarting Steam :/

Anyone else? Really want to preorder to get it cheap as possible, now that Im a student again :p
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