Half Tonne Man

Kronologic said:
No, an addiction can be cured by treatments.
Disabilitys can not be cured, the people with the disabilities need to adapt.

alcoholism is an addiction. alcoholism cannot be cured. i should know- my old man is an alcoholic.

WS_TailGunner said:
alcoholism is an addiction. alcoholism cannot be cured. i should know- my old man is an alcoholic.


Edited my original post as I knew it was badly writen.
You can control any addiction. You simply have to show the will power to refuse your adiction to take hold, Hard work but evidently not impossible.

How can anyone possibly compare Alcoholisim with Spina bifida?
I really don't like the way genes are being used as an excuse for things these days.
I'm fat, my genes made me do it.
I'm a thief, my genes made me do it.

Personally I hold really tightly to the idea of free will, as if we're not responsible for our own actions then what's the point of existing?
Kronologic said:
Edited my original post as I knew it was badly writen.
You can control any addiction. You simply have to show the will power to refuse your adiction to take hold, Hard work but evidently not impossible.

How can anyone possibly compare Alcoholisim with Spina bifida?

im not comparing them, but they are both disabilities. yes, you can control alcoholism, and "eating addiction", but it is very very difficult. some people just dont have the willpower, or the drinking/eating makes them depressed which makes them drink/eat more.

spinal biffida or MS are different because they cant be controlled.

however- addictions are still a type of disability.

Orcish-Horde said:
Addiction is when you choose not to be cured, I know its bad for me but what to hell.

no- its nowhere near that simple, i only wish it were. my old man knows its killing him, and has had long dry periods, but he suffers from post traumatic stress disorder from an incident when he was in the paras (no offence but none of your business what it was.).

its not his choice at all- he cant help it. all we can do is offer support.

I'm sorry, but there is no excuse for being *that* overweight other than the previously mentioned hormone imbalance. If he's happy being that weight then fair enough, but it annoys the hell out of me when fatties complain about being fat.

Losing weight is not hard in the slightest, it just requires a little bit of sacrifice and the willingness to use something called "moderation". Something which far too many people lack nowadays sadly.
The bit that got me with the half ton dude was when he said that he didn't eat much more than anyone else. The doctor stated that to sustain that amount of weight he would have to have been consuming 15,000 calories a day!!! Plus the house was littered with KFC buckets, soda bottles, pizza boxes etc. I know for a fact that I don't earn enough to eat that much!!!

I do wonder why at some point his WIFE (yes WIFE) who was feeding him didn't think to herself "hey, you can't actually get up any more you're too big, maybe now is time to get help" but he'd been in the same place for years.

I dunno.
The only way to beat an addiction is to cut it out 100%. Alcoholics and drug addicts cannot simply cut down and lead a normal life.
In the case of food addicts they obviously cannot cut out food, and so will never be 'free' of their addiction as an alcoholic or drug addict could be.
sorry to the guy that says its like ms or anything, not being funny but this guy could have said "my god im quite large, i need to sort myself out" but he didnt at any point. I doubt that many people with horrible deseases like MS just have it because they dont do a particular thing.

This is his fault, imballance or not he should have beaten it. Drug addicts can get clean if they want to and so could he. I have very very little sympathy for the guy.

Im not saying that he doesnt need help but its his own fault. Sometimes i think that bullying at school can help people like him. It forces people to do something about thier problem as its affecting thier life.
If he's unhappy with himself then theres really only one guy to point the finger at, if he is happy, then fair play to him.

Why does he insist on eating those kinda foods though? Of course you cant stop eating, but change what you eat.
big_white_dog84 said:
All I wanted them to tell me is what happens when they go to the toilet? Does someone have to mop it up?
At the start they said his fingernails and skin in general contained quantities of fecal matter and blood - so no mopping I doubt!. Highly disturbing :eek:

Scary thing is, I noticed similar traits with myself. For example, I'm constantly planning the next forkfull/mouthfull of my meal, and I do eat large portions. So far its not having much impact on me, but its got me worried that my stomach could stretch and I'd never be full again. I'm forcing myself to keep away from the fridge between meals after watching that last night.. and its torture!! I want choccie :mad:
mctrials23 said:
Im not saying that he doesnt need help but its his own fault. Sometimes i think that bullying at school can help people like him. It forces people to do something about thier problem as its affecting thier life.

i agree with a lot of what you said, but cannot let this pass- bullying is totally unacceptable, and saying it can help someone is naieve at best, and if you have children, dangerous at worst.

in practically all cases, systematic bullying leaves people with deep-seated emotional scars that will never heal without professional help.

oh, it MAY make them lose weight, but it will almost certainly do psychological damage, and is more likely to push them further in the wrong direction, as a lot of the eating is comfort eating.

it will also lead to an unhealthy attitude towards food in later life- guilt, self loathing- it could easily lead to an eating disorder.

i agree that he could have sought help, but often the problem is a lot more complex than "stop eating you fat git".

in this case, it would appear that a lot of the problem is his wife who is a "feeder" (a psychological condition in itself). couple this with an already obese man, and you get a 75 stone person.

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