
Whilst the origins are indeed Irish, trick or treating and most of the other "traditions" that we seem to have adopted are actually American.

Trick or treating is Irish too. It was called "guising". What the Americans did, more than anything, is immensely commercialise and localise existent traditions.
We love it and thankfully the residents on our street do too. Stop being so miserable OP. I swear most posts by you are putting something or someone down.
It's a pointless American tradition that has become more prevelant over here sadly, complete waste of time.

Yeah , not big on it myself, carved a pumpkin once to see what the fuss was... do not get it personally. Kids seem to enjoy it. Might get some candy to give away this year , usually , i just turn the lights off hah.
Yeah , not big on it myself, carved a pumpkin once to see what the fuss was... do not get it personally. Kids seem to enjoy it. Might get some candy to give away this year , usually , i just turn the lights off hah.

At least in the U.S. the kids will swerve any house without a Jack o’ Lantern on the porch or in the window.
It didn't exist in this country when I was a child. It's a recent import that I cheerfully continue to ignore. Obtaining money by threats in the name of a tradition almost all of the participants are ignorant of and even fewer believe in. Yeah, great. Lovely idea. Sign me up for that.
Over commercialised crap.

Used to be bobbing for apples and a bin bag or sheet over the head...now it's thousands of tons worth of one day plastic crap galore.
When I was a kid, tricks were magic tricks or things kids can do as double jointed.

Really? Because we did trick or treat back in the 70s, and tricks usually consisted of stupid **** like tying a washing line through the door knockers of two doors and then knocking on one of the doors.
I like Halloween and am fine with trick or treating. Personally never even heard of anyone having eggs and flour thrown at their door. That’s not a trick, it’s vandalism.

When I was at school in the 90s post Halloween there would be at least 3 houses on my walk to school which had been pelted with eggs and other ****. It was just an excuse for mindless vandalism rather than trick or treat.
We already had Samhain, what we have now is just consumerist nonsense.

It's the same with all the other holidays where the community-driven soul has been ripped out.

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