HALO 3 Official Thread

Tank Dropper
On any Mythic map, get a kill on another player while in monitor mode.

Whats monitor mode? I haven't played this game in ages.

Are the mythic maps DLC seperate to the legendary maps too ?
It's actually better this way now since it's so much easier to determine how much someone has played that specific playlist, resulting in more balanced teams (the system will take a good few weeks more to balance itself out obviously).

I've actually been getting some decent teams lately for once instead of Me and 3 retards against a team of Generals who do nothing but play the game all day.

Thats cause Kreeeee, cad man, and myself are all busy. But fear not we will be back to ruin your games soon
So have I :o (been busy that is)

I am currently trying to get Mass Effect finished. Then I've got Assassins Creed and The Darkness to play through. The Witcher is also on its way, Fable 2 is out in 2 weeks, Gears of War 2 is out in 4 weeks.

I am struggling to find time for any of them at the moment =/
This is odd, i can't play H3 for toffees due to my inability to separate the view/movement controls in my head (either running around looking at the floor, or running around looking at the sky :(), i've got hold of the Orange Box and i can play H2 and portal without a problem.

I fail :(
I'm peeved.

I've reached EXP 20 and got the Sergeant rank but not the achievement :(

Plus, any tips for playing through on legendary?
If you didn't get it then the only way I can think of doing it would be to play some matchmaking games and just quit, since that takes away 1 EXP each time. Just carry on doing it until you lose your rank and then play another game and get promoted again.

(I've no clue if this will work btw)
I've only just gone to EXP 20, so quiting would take me back to 19, maybe triggering it again

The thing is, under the 'service record' page for me the True Spartan picture is there, next to the greyed out Officer one.
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