HALO 3 Official Thread

Pwned :o
I think you did, not sure why and its not in my house (or on my computer for that matter).

I cant even remember if they were answered in the guide. I'd kicked arse by then.

HAhahahaha I can't believe you just fessed up to that. I wasn't 100% it was you I sent it too. If you had said I was mistaken I would've believed you :D

Thats why I added the wink at the end to cover my bases :)

In your small defence I dont think the guide was much help.
HAhahahaha I can't believe you just fessed up to that. I wasn't 100% it was you I sent it too. If you had said I was mistaken I would've believed you :D

Thats why I added the wink at the end to cover my bases :)

In your small defence I dont think the guide was much help.

I'm honest, Even if I look like a prat as a result, I'm not going to lie about something.

The guide was about as useful as a chocolate teapot tbh. I think I used it to find out what all the achievements were and that's it. OcUK was far more useful for answering the questions above mentioned.
I'll post all my stuff on thursday after my 2 legendary's turn up, I'll be getting one from **** tomorrow, but also ordered 2 from the jersey based store which'll probably turn up on thursday.

I'm honest, Even if I look like a prat as a result, I'm not going to lie about something.

The guide was about as useful as a chocolate teapot tbh. I think I used it to find out what all the achievements were and that's it. OcUK was far more useful for answering the questions above mentioned.

Nice honesty:) but still....

Strategy Guides are for girls and wimps who cant play computer games. Which are you?

So which one is it you turned out to be :p
Theres a video on Gizmodo (the one about Halo swag repacking) where he gives the ending away.

Stay away from that video if you don't want to know what happens
Out of interest, how many games did people rack up in the period of Halo 2 online?

My Gamertag is Rossimac and I'm just below 10,000 games, does that mean I'm addicted?
Holly god.

I'm in the 3 thousands (not including the 2-3 K games played before the first stats reset)

I'd say you were just enthusiastic. And possibly on the dole.

Nope! Full time at the moment :) Working for investment banking, can't wait to get to tesco's later after work and wait till they start putting them on the shelves! :D

Got in and theres a Royal Mail Sorry you were out card...

Halo 3 ..

Because I live in a small village ..

Please leave 48!!! hours before collecting..

Not happy.

wah wah :D
I doubt my Halo 3 is going to be there when I get home either, I saw a Royal Fail van coming to my house on the way back but it'll probably be a knock on the door delivery sadly.

I can wait till tomorrow though when I get the console.
1 hour 30 min till I leave work.

I'm expecting my hourly text to tell me that its only 8 hours till Halo 3.

2 and a bit hours to get home. Then wait for Miss K, go to store and wait till opening... mad rush in, grab game, pay, break speed limit to get home, set up living room, wait for WingZero, finish the fight.
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