HALO 3 Official Thread

1 hour 30 min till I leave work.

I'm expecting my hourly text to tell me that its only 8 hours till Halo 3.

2 and a bit hours to get home. Then wait for Miss K, go to store and wait till opening... mad rush in, grab game, pay, break speed limit to get home, set up living room, wait for WingZero, finish the fight.

474 minutes.

Why not set up the living room while waiting for miss k.
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Holly god.

I'm in the 3 thousands (not including the 2-3 K games played before the first stats reset)

I only thought they reset the levels? not how many games you've played.

Dont ever remember them resetting mine, but I'm not going to argue since I used to play on Xbox Connect until 2005, then I finally got Xbox Live in March 2005.
474 minutes.

Why not set up the living room while waiting for miss k.

The reason is so that I have something to do whilst waiting for wingzero. Otherwise the shrink-wrap would be off and I'd be halfway through the game by the time he arrived.

I only thought they reset the levels? not how many games you've played.

Dont ever remember them resetting mine, but I'm not going to argue since I used to play on Xbox Connect until 2005, then I finally got Xbox Live in March 2005.

This happened AAaagggess ago. They had to change something at bungie and reset everything.
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I only thought they reset the levels? not how many games you've played.

Dont ever remember them resetting mine, but I'm not going to argue since I used to play on Xbox Connect until 2005, then I finally got Xbox Live in March 2005.

When the levels were reset they didnt reset the amount of games played. Thats why on my dea7hs H3ad account I have 3000 odd games there. I stopped using it back in 2005 before the ranks were reset numerous times :)
Combining both of my gamertags (NightListenerUK and Dea7hs H3ad) I have played 5218 games :)


Dea7hs H3ad was back on the original Xbox when I decided I wanted to change my gamertag meaning I had to delete the account and create a new one :p Ooooh the good old days :D

OMG I have 37310 kills all together!!!

Beat you ;)

Combat Stats: Alrik Valo

Games: 4522
* Total Kills: 37916
* Total Deaths: 30893
* Total Assists: 10716

Now that I can actually play Halo Im hoping I can maintain a 2:1 Kill : Death Ratio with Halo 3, first 3 months on Live with Halo 2 I was getting 5 kills and 20 deaths almost every game!
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Donno if its been posted already or waht but is there anywere I can read up on the back story of halo without playin the games or anyone who can tell me?

I am gonna play halo3 but would quite like to know the story behind it without having to play through 2 games :D

Beat you ;)

Combat Stats: Alrik Valo

Games: 4522
* Total Kills: 37916
* Total Deaths: 30893
* Total Assists: 10716

Im interested now...

*Total games: 5218
*Total Kills: 37310
*Total Deaths: 35963
*Total Assists: 10263 :)

I love the way Bungie keeps this info amazing :)
but apparently my games date back to 12/11/2004 (or 11/12/2004 in US date time) which is odd as I certianly remember Bungie saying "All prior stats will be removed" and Wingzero and I have talked about this in the past as it feels like I have played way more than 3.6k games.

So I guess for not the first time in this thread I'm chatting out of my arse
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Donno if its been posted already or waht but is there anywere I can read up on the back story of halo without playin the games or anyone who can tell me?

I am gonna play halo3 but would quite like to know the story behind it without having to play through 2 games :D


Just watch the fmv sequences. I can't remember the links to them.
Even better in Halo 3, you can sort it by playlist, map, ranked or social and loads more. Even gonna show you how many medals you get for ALL your games.
Even better in Halo 3, you can sort it by playlist, map, ranked or social and loads more. Even gonna show you how many medals you get for ALL your games.

Yeah there are medals for campaign too am I correct? They show up on your main player profile I think - awesome :)

@Krono - The only thing Bungie reset was the ranks - It feels like I have played over 5000 games but I haven't :p
@Krono - The only thing Bungie reset was the ranks - It feels like I have played over 5000 games but I haven't :p

Well it might just be my memory going. But I was sure that after the first reset, we could no longer look at our past games on bungie.net (they're all there now)

Its possible that they migrated the old data into the new system since then. :confused:
Well it might just be my memory going. But I was sure that after the first reset, we could no longer look at our past games on bungie.net (they're all there now)

Its possible that they migrated the old data into the new system since then. :confused:

Probably - Like I said I abandoned my first account BEFORE the first lot of ranks were reset and they are all still there - even my first ever game.
Picking mine up in an hour, never been a massive halo fan but the hype has really got to me witht this one! Maybe its the 'believe' advertising campaign, as in believe the hype :p

Excited though :)
Wow looking back turns out I didnt start playing Xbox Live until August 2005 and NOT March 2005 :/ Dunno how I added on an extra 5 months :/

Cant believe I've played around 1200* Big Team Battle games too

*Not exact but I know its over 1000
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