After 3 hours playing I can say that i'm disappointed with the game. Now i've not bothered much at all with single player, i've spent most of my time with MP where the goodness has always been with halo.
Reasons i'm disappointed is for a game that was 'god of the multiplayers' this latest addition adds nothing new at all. The MP maps are horrible in quite a few different ways. I thought there was gonna be a nice selection of vehicles to use in MP.. no! I rubbed my hands together when I frist saw there was a vehicle to use in one of the maps, I thought great! Something different!... then I soon saw the map is about as small as your average garden and taking less than 15seconds to walk from end to end.. why include a vehicle in a map where its size is so small that the vehicles are useless!!?
Graphics are bad.. no getting away from it really. Ok its not a major factor in a game being good of not, but its pretty much unacceptable really. In single player the graphics don't seem too bad, but in MP its bad. Theres other games out there that support more people in MP and have bigger map sizes that look stunning (COD3, Shadowrun). The people that deny it are halo lovers and I have respect for them, when you love something you can't see the dodgy bits.
Now before anyone jumps in and says well this is halo, why change a good thing with it being simular to the previous halos.. Gotta think times have moved on.. This is the same stuff half-life MP was doing over 7 years ago.. take a look at the COD4 beta them features and touches should have been apart of halo 3.
People that are waiting for there copies to turn up I gotta funny feeling you might be abit disappointed unless your a diehard halo fan and just love halo. I find the MP dull and not very adventurous.
Im just abit gutted really about it

... I was expecting something special with MP!