HALO 3 Official Thread

Yes, damn near any router. It sorts all the port forwarding crap.

FYI the ports I forward (trigger actually) that stop ALL XBL issues are: 88, 2074 and 3074

Yeah I do the same, every now and then my router goes strict again and needs a re-boot. Once a month or so. But it is a crappy homehub so I should expect worse.
After 3 hours playing I can say that i'm disappointed with the game. Now i've not bothered much at all with single player, i've spent most of my time with MP where the goodness has always been with halo.

Reasons i'm disappointed is for a game that was 'god of the multiplayers' this latest addition adds nothing new at all. The MP maps are horrible in quite a few different ways. I thought there was gonna be a nice selection of vehicles to use in MP.. no! I rubbed my hands together when I frist saw there was a vehicle to use in one of the maps, I thought great! Something different!... then I soon saw the map is about as small as your average garden and taking less than 15seconds to walk from end to end.. why include a vehicle in a map where its size is so small that the vehicles are useless!!?

Graphics are bad.. no getting away from it really. Ok its not a major factor in a game being good of not, but its pretty much unacceptable really. In single player the graphics don't seem too bad, but in MP its bad. Theres other games out there that support more people in MP and have bigger map sizes that look stunning (COD3, Shadowrun). The people that deny it are halo lovers and I have respect for them, when you love something you can't see the dodgy bits.

Now before anyone jumps in and says well this is halo, why change a good thing with it being simular to the previous halos.. Gotta think times have moved on.. This is the same stuff half-life MP was doing over 7 years ago.. take a look at the COD4 beta them features and touches should have been apart of halo 3.

People that are waiting for there copies to turn up I gotta funny feeling you might be abit disappointed unless your a diehard halo fan and just love halo. I find the MP dull and not very adventurous.

Im just abit gutted really about it :(... I was expecting something special with MP!
I am picking this up tomorrow from a supermarket at lunchtime I reckon.

Has anyone hosted any games yet. I know xbox live is p2p but does Halo3 support hosted servers (I just wonder as I hear mentioned a lot about bungie servers, but I dunno if this just refers to the stat recording). Also anyone tried to host multiplayer and see how many players you can host on ADSL etc (and also if there is any obvious host advantage, which ruined Gears for me towards the end of playing that multiplayer this year).


I am picking this up tomorrow from a supermarket at lunchtime I reckon.

Has anyone hosted any games yet. I know xbox live is p2p but does Halo3 support hosted servers (I just wonder as I hear mentioned a lot about bungie servers, but I dunno if this just refers to the stat recording). Also anyone tried to host multiplayer and see how many players you can host on ADSL etc (and also if there is any obvious host advantage, which ruined Gears for me towards the end of playing that multiplayer this year).



what advantages did the host get? :confused:
take a look at the COD4 beta them features and touches should have been apart of halo 3.

Like what?

CoD4 isn't gonna have anything new over Halo.

It has no saved films, screenshots. Nothing exactly new.

The only good thing about is was the customization on your class that was alright.
I am picking this up tomorrow from a supermarket at lunchtime I reckon.

Has anyone hosted any games yet. I know xbox live is p2p but does Halo3 support hosted servers (I just wonder as I hear mentioned a lot about bungie servers, but I dunno if this just refers to the stat recording). Also anyone tried to host multiplayer and see how many players you can host on ADSL etc (and also if there is any obvious host advantage, which ruined Gears for me towards the end of playing that multiplayer this year).



If there's any advantage krono will make damn sure he's always the host :)
I am picking this up tomorrow from a supermarket at lunchtime I reckon.

Has anyone hosted any games yet. I know xbox live is p2p but does Halo3 support hosted servers (I just wonder as I hear mentioned a lot about bungie servers, but I dunno if this just refers to the stat recording). Also anyone tried to host multiplayer and see how many players you can host on ADSL etc (and also if there is any obvious host advantage, which ruined Gears for me towards the end of playing that multiplayer this year).



Can you actually host on Halo 3? I thought it was just matchmaking like COD4 where you join a pre-determined server? I may be wrong, but i thought that was how it was done.
Can you do this to any router?

Does it help online gaming?

As Kre(x5) said, you can do it on pretty much any router.

Helps sort out any problems the firewall may be causing, blocking ports etc.

I wouldn't bother unless you're experiencing problems connecting to Live!
Like what?

CoD4 isn't gonna have anything new over Halo.

It has no saved films, screenshots. Nothing exactly new.

The only good thing about is was the customization on your class that was alright.

It has depth and suspension.

Depth with unlocking various equipment and options.

Suspension with only a couple of choices of abilities.. such as last stand, increased damage etc. You never know what your opponent is gonna be holding. Makes MP a lot more fun.

Taking screenshots and videos is hardly ground breaking stuff. PC gamers have been doing it for years.. how many ways can there be to shoot someone, or lob a grenade at people. Its a feature for the die hard halo fans i'm sure that love it no matter what
Can you actually host on Halo 3? I thought it was just matchmaking like COD4 where you join a pre-determined server? I may be wrong, but i thought that was how it was done.

I don't know (having not played COD4 or previous Halo games). In *** baove example, who is hosting the "pre-determined server" in your example above? xboxlive/game devs or users?

I'm not excessively bothered, I will buy regardless, just hope it isn't another GRAW where hosting anything above 8 players led to dropouts etc due to lack of upload bandwidth on the Hosts end. Having not played the previous Halo (as mentioned) I will probably just be playing this multiplayer online and maybe co-op (unlikely).

what advantages did the host get? :confused:
If you ever played a game against a host with a shotgun you would see straightaway they have an advantage (is due to latencey I think), but that gun is deadly when a host uses it, with minimal aiming.

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Can you actually host on Halo 3? I thought it was just matchmaking like COD4 where you join a pre-determined server? I may be wrong, but i thought that was how it was done.

You can host public games but I have no idea how you join them!
I have destroyed my eyes.. :( but thats 12 hours i think now..

Im absolutely loving it.. its the scale of the levels which has really impressed me.. halo levels have always been big.. but this is enormous.. :D
So does Halo, some of the most frustrating matches I've played online have been Halo ones.

CoD4 on 360 sucks, the autoaim is diabolical.

Each to there own tho.. all I have to say is halo3 adds nothing new and jaw dropping to MP. If you liked halo2 MP and aren't expecting hardly anything to change then i'm sure halo 3 will be liked by them kinds of people. I'm looking for something new, and thought halo 3 was gonna give me it
So does Halo, some of the most frustrating matches I've played online have been Halo ones.

CoD4 on 360 sucks, the autoaim is diabolical.

Halo 2 and 3 have the most insane auto aim I've ever experienced. If I side strafe past an opponent I turn 45 degrees without touching anything!
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