HALO 3 Official Thread

Oh my, well am going to be taking this back tomorrow I think until I have some money as this game really isnt worth going short for

The gameplay much like the second one is hugely underwhelming, the graphics suffer from serious jaggies, which NEVER usually bother me, but they are really bad in this game. And the graphics really arent that good considering the standard these days

I'm a massive fan of the Halo universe, I think after halo 2 and 3, mainly the story of it, like the books rather than the games

So so so dissapointed, I just hope online makes it worth it
Mine turned up today, wasn't expecting it. i was expecting it to come on thurs like all my other games do, nice surprise. Only problem is i could hear the disc rattling about in the case, opened it up an the game disc had come off its holder.

Looking at the back of the disc it pretty scratched up, tried it in the 360 and it works. Only thing is do i play hoping it doesn't crash or not load at somepoint, or do i send it back and hope the replacement doesn't turn up the same way. :(

Not sure if this applies to the UK aswell but,

No charge through December 31

Following reports that defective packaging for the limited edition of Halo 3 allow the game to come loose and become scratched, Microsoft has added the game to its disc replacement program.

Under the regular terms of the program, consumers can get a replacement disc for certain titles published by Microsoft, provided that they return the disk to the company along with a small fee.

The current fee is USD 20, GBP 10, or 15 Euro.

For the Halo 3 Limited Edition and Essentials discs, consumers will be able to receive a replacement at no charge through December 31, 2007.

right ...

matchmaking - how does it work ??

80% of the time it sits there for ages not finding a match - or finding only one player ??

NAT security says "moderate" - but 360 is setup as DMZ on router ??

also how do you do a custom game and host to anyone ? Seems to alow you to only host to friends or "recent players"

thanks, Mark.
what is a DMZ on your router? :confused:

Demilitarised zone.

Basically it's an area that you can place a device, such as your XBOX, that is un-firewalled and totally open the the interweb and hackers.

Perfectly fine to stick your XBOX in there as there's nothing really to hack.
LOL at the kid wearing the Spartan helmet.

I wouldn't keep it on too long though.. talk about cred. killer!
Demilitarised zone.

Basically it's an area that you can place a device, such as your XBOX, that is un-firewalled and totally open the the interweb and hackers.

Perfectly fine to stick your XBOX in there as there's nothing really to hack.

Can you do this to any router?

Does it help online gaming?
I've yet to play multiplayer (I'm crap so I will be owned bigtime), however, I am really enjoying single player and detaching guns from their turrets is great for steaming into a group of baddies :)
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