HALO 3 Official Thread

can anyone help me. the sound on mine seems a little off. the sound of the guns firing seems to be very quiet. maybe its just me??? has anyone else noticed this?

i only played for about an hour last night, so just getting into the single player game.

That's just the way it is, it's something that really bothers me about the game. The guns just seem to lack any 'oomph' and satisfaction due to being so quiet :(
That's just the way it is, it's something that really bothers me about the game. The guns just seem to lack any 'oomph' and satisfaction due to being so quiet :(

really??? seems very strange? i would prefer to lose voice sounds and background noise to up the volume of the guns. if i am firing a gun i dont expect to hear anything else anyway!

halo 1 the guns all sounded very meaty!
Yep which is so 1990's ;)

Why even implement that when every game is just live chat? Doesnt make sense to me. Why can't I just talk into the mic and my team hears me no matter what.

Yeah I think it's bandwidth. Which is a shame as I have to remember to press down on the d-pad before anyone can hear me screaming like a little girl. Which thinking about it, is probably why they added it ;)
do you think they could patch the gun sounds to make them louder?

having read around on the internet just now, it seems i am not the only one who has noticed this. there are a lot of people complaining of the same.
Is anyone else having problems getting into matchmaking? Mine cant find any games... I read on 360fanboy yesterday that the Xbox Live servers were crashing due to the amount of players... Sorry if this is old - I haven't visited this thread since Tuesday as Ive been playing 24 hours straight :)
That's just the way it is, it's something that really bothers me about the game. The guns just seem to lack any 'oomph' and satisfaction due to being so quiet :(

What? That's crazy. I was playing with headphones last night and the sound was EPIC!!! Big booms, fantastic music, guns sound powerful and loud, distance gunfights, ambient sounds... it really is quite awesome.

Something must be wrong...
What? That's crazy. I was playing with headphones last night and the sound was EPIC!!! Big booms, fantastic music, guns sound powerful and loud, distance gunfights, ambient sounds... it really is quite awesome.

Something must be wrong...

hmmm, well i have been readong all over the web about people complaining. maybe its fine with headphones but with my TV set up and on 5.1 normal / optical set ups its muffled????
Yep, it requires a game to be coded in a very specific and counter intuitive way to use the "free" AA.

Quite surprising then that the consoles biggest hit game which has become synonymous with the Xbox brand and has been in development for years doesn't have it then? :confused:
Theres an option under voice chat that you can set to only hear your team/party. Still have to press the D-pad though if you're on opposite ends of the map. Never really been an issue with me though since in team games I am always around my team mates so they can hear me anyway and in Free For All just a quick tap of the button and were good to go :)

It just didnt seem tactical at all to me, a free for all. Naturally the best players got more kills but not at all tactical from a team point of view.

It never has been tactical I thought people understood that? Its your typical death match where the best player/team wins. Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six, Battle Field series etc are what I would call tactical.
Thats why I love Halo I can kill say 3 people in a row, let my shields recharge and keep going. I'm not a big fan of games where you take 1 bullet to the leg and you die.

Halo 3 has Improved upon Halo 2 big time because its not longer a case of who ever controls the power weapons wins the game and it gives the new players an actual fighting chance, since they arent constantly being beat down with the sword or sniped in the face.
Quite surprising then that the consoles biggest hit game which has become synonymous with the Xbox brand and has been in development for years doesn't have it then? :confused:

Quite retarded more like, Peter Moore's bs speech of "the age of jaggies is over" is just another foot in the mouth moment. More like:


as long as you code a game in a very specific way but we wont mention that

360 games could also use anistropic filtering, some games really look as though they could use it to help with he textures, aniso gives a tiny performance hit so id love to know why that wasn't a consideration. Would also be interesting to know just how many of the cpu cores Halo 3 uses. Is it pushing the 360 hard or could they have done more with the visuals.
Just got this from the ladder people today.....

Anyone else spot the problem?? :D

How can anyone be that retarded?? getting the proper item delivered tomorrow hopefully
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