HALO 3 Official Thread

Considering its come out nearly a year after Gears of War and looks worse...

that aside, it has jaggies everywhere and the environment isn't particually good looking.

You expect the flagship 360 game to look the best no?
Considering its come out nearly a year after Gears of War and looks worse...

that aside, it has jaggies everywhere and the environment isn't particually good looking.

You expect the flagship 360 game to look the best no?

but remember, GoW had 5 or so people on screen at a time in small corridor like environments and no vehicles. Halo 3 has 50-60 things on screen at times with lots of vehicles and huge out door levels. Im gettign so fed up of explaining this to people, it should be common sense.
The graphics aren't terrible, they're just 'good' or 'ok'. You really would expect more from what seems to be the greatest game in history judging by the amount of hype it has received.
I STILL see there are some mis-informed people that believe graphics are more important than gameplay.

Cretins. :p :D

Played it online last night for the first time, thoroughly enjoyed it! Helped by the fact I came up top on the Team slayer match. ;)
Has anyone noticed when playing online that no one uses the motion tracker? I must have done about 5 assassinations in a row last night LOL.
it certainly looks like they have taken what 'worked' in past games and put it into halo 3. Appealing to their already large fan base. Which for someone who could give or take halo since its a console fps isn't a remarkable feat.
Just finished the single player! Was very good! Feel fulfilled!

Gonna get cracking on the Multiplayer now.

Has anyone noticed when playing online that no one uses the motion tracker? I must have done about 5 assassinations in a row last night LOL.


I do the same in Warwawk for taking out turrets and such. People just don't realise how useful the motion tracker is!
it certainly looks like they have taken what 'worked' in past games and put it into halo 3. Appealing to their already large fan base. Which for someone who could give or take halo since its a console fps isn't a remarkable feat.

then go and play something else, you sound like you have it in for halo and your 'opinions' are pretty retarded. Saying a game looks terrible because its not the best looking game is just stupid. Does that mean theres only one best looking game and everything else looks terrible?
Geezus i cant believe the last few pages have been filled with people arguing about the gfx on Halo3:confused:. I dont recall M$ or Bungie ever saying that this game will blow everyone away with the gfx??...or maybe i missed that announcement...

Seriously though anyone who sits there with Halo3 and cant enjoy the game for what it is...needs their heads checking. The gfx are far from terrible, in fact they COULD be better but they arent and i can see why. Why bother making a game with gorgeous gfx but hardly any enjoyable gameplay aka GOW for instance. Dont get me wrong, i still like GOW but for me it was far far too short....
Just finished the single player! Was very good! Feel fulfilled!

Gonna get cracking on the Multiplayer now.


EDIT- Best Ending in a game ever!
then go and play something else, you sound like you have it in for halo and your 'opinions' are pretty retarded. Saying a game looks terrible because its not the best looking game is just stupid. Does that mean theres only one best looking game and everything else looks terrible?

No it means you're a retard. I'll post where I like thanks.

I don't have it in for halo at all. You just have it in for people who have reservations.

The sound is a good point of this game even if the graphics aren't. Opinion still retarted? Lol...
Sure it does. In comparison to Gears of War the graphics are underwhelming, and in essence could be regarded as terrible.

no one cares mate. it's the game itself that matters not graphics, and the game is excellent.

oh, for the record, i think the graphics are decent enough. i don't get any of these so called jaggies etc. they have managed a good balance of graphical quality and smooth gameplay.
Sure it does. In comparison to Gears of War the graphics are underwhelming, and in essence could be regarded as terrible. Anyhow nitpicking the word in which I decided to describe them is petty.

I think the scale of Halo 3 is much more impressive than Gears. I cant truly remember all of gears but i remember lots of smallish areas. Nothing like the truly awesome structures in H3. But i dont want to spoil it for others, just look out for Niagra.
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