HALO 3 Official Thread

Fuel Rod guns... those are fun to dodge... :p

Even more fun when you pick one up to use:p. Have to say my fave weapon in Halo3 is definitely the spiker guns especially when dual wielding...so much fun pumping the baddies full of spikes lol.

Still making my way through it, i think im more or less on the last level bit ie where you get transported up to that ship with all your buddies and spend a good few mins chatting about what the hell to do:p.

Enjoying it quite a bit but it does get a bit repetitive tbh but still enjoyable. Havent had a chance to play MP yet but one ive finished my campaign off then ill be available for some MP action

Regarding the gfx??, i did notice last night that Halo3 did stutter a bit at certain parts ie when starting a new scene...but wasnt too bad, lasted for a mere second or 2 max. Saying that though, the gfx still pretty decent to me but i havent got the time to sit there and look at the gfx in detail...im far too busy blasting the baddies away to be paying attention to them:p.

Hopefully finish it off tonight though, doing it on normal mode but once i finish it off then i think i might give it another bash on legendary mode...just to see how hard it really is:p
I can't really comment yet as I haven't go past the first level on SP, I've been spending all my time in MP. The graphics are below par. Argue all you want but they are just not good enough in my opinion.

I think the MP is god like though. GoW is also excellent but where Halo excels in the customisation. Last night I was playing with Krono and the gang and he and Miss K had sent up a Rocket Race match on Sandtraps. Hilarity. Then we tried Zombie. So we thought wouldn't it be cool if the zombies were super fast but super weak? The replies weren't 'yeah that would be cool' but okay let me tweak the settings. Then we thought it'd be great if the human base was fortified with barricades and the like... okay lets jump into Forge.


NokkonWud said:

Nokkon, jump into one of our games tonight!
Rather than start a new thread, hopefully someone will catch this in here.

The Legendary Edition box suggests that the helmet is numbered... where?

I noticed even using the vga cable with no overscan the image was still severly aliased, good find there knives. I might have a go at 'pixel counting' myself.

I wonder why games like halo, state '1080p' on the rear when they are simply resampled to that resolution?
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I can't really comment yet as I haven't go past the first level on SP, I've been spending all my time in MP. The graphics are below par. Argue all you want but they are just not good enough in my opinion.

I think the MP is god like though. GoW is also excellent but where Halo excels in the customisation. Last night I was playing with Krono and the gang and he and Miss K had sent up a Rocket Race match on Sandtraps. Hilarity. Then we tried Zombie. So we thought wouldn't it be cool if the zombies were super fast but super weak? The replies weren't 'yeah that would be cool' but okay let me tweak the settings. Then we thought it'd be great if the human base was fortified with barricades and the like... okay lets jump into Forge.


Aye, the Rocket Race was just brilliant !

Got some screenies !! ..will post later :D

Who was that blue spartan that wouldn't get off the back of the quad ? lol
Was is Miss K ? :p
Aye, the Rocket Race was just brilliant !

Got some screenies !! ..will post later :D

Who was that blue spartan that wouldn't get off the back of the quad ? lol
Was is Miss K ? :p

Nah GF somebody. I was guilty of doing that too. I did think that there was no point in staying on, but I way laughing too much to try and get off.
It's been found that Halo 3 does not even render at 720p - it's rendering at 1164x640p instead of 1280x720p which explains the amount of aliased surfaces present in the game.


Thorough explanation there, although I get a feeling some of you will go 'I don't understand the proof so it can't be true'.

It's rendered at 720p, the articla provides no substantive evidence to the contrary. The game is jaggie heaven though.

Bungie say 720p.

This could be the first game to look better in SD than in HD though. SD = free AA :p
Erm.. the evidence is right there.

Do you not understand this image ?

Even from the untrained eye, you can tell Halo 3 is significantly more aliased than none-AA 720p native games. The 360's GPU scales from 640 and outputs the image as 720 hence the mudiness of the image.
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Rather than start a new thread, hopefully someone will catch this in here.

The Legendary Edition box suggests that the helmet is numbered... where?

The helmet itself isnt really numbered, its the case ie the dvd holder thats numbered...it should be on the back of the holder if im not mistaken.

I have to agree with most people in here, the weapons just dont seem all that beefy compared to say GOW...theres no real impact of them firing off a grenade or rocket. Seems too tame tbh but still doesnt really distract me from having fun with it.
I do admit if they sorted the sounds out then I'd be a lot happier with the game, it would defianately add to the mood/atmosphere.

Agreed. There is just no satisfaction from firing the guns, and it's a big reason I just can't get excited when playing the game.
Cant say the weapon sounds bother me. Maybe folk are struggling to fault the game so they are nit picking up on the weapon sounds, even though half of the guns are sci fi.
I actually stopped playing after 10mins and went back into the 360 setup menu to check I hadn't put in the wrong settings for sound (running 5.1) the weapons sounded so weak, I then checked my speakers setup too, good to know that it's not just me.
So what's theatre mode?


I decided to go to the theatre option last night and thought it strange when the cinematic for the last level I'd played started up. Took me a short while to realise that it was actually a full video of me playing the last level, of which I was totally in control. Spent ages messing around with it.

Totally amazing feature imo.
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