HALO 3 Official Thread

You do know what generic means? Would you like to point out what is so different and great in Halo 3 that hasn't been done before?

Yip I know exactly what generic means cheers.

Sorry, Im at work just now and dont have time to compare generic shooters to Halo 3 for you. Feel free to check out the many, many 90%+ reviews if you really are interested.
Yip I know exactly what generic means cheers.

Sorry, Im at work just now and dont have time to compare generic shooters to Halo 3 for you. Feel free to check out the many, many 90%+ reviews if you really are interested.
What do the reviews have to do with it? I asked YOU to point out what's in Halo 3 that hasn't been done before. Just to quote you

'Looks fantastic, score / sound is immaculate, controls are just sublime and so on'

Fantastic looking (err we looking at the same game?), immaculate sounding (you what?) and sublime controls (same as most other games) have all been done before, this gives us nothing new or better.
Started Multiplayer and Co-Op with mates last night, the new controls took a few minutes to pick up - I did throw gravlift and bubble shield when I want to reload for a good hour or two, was rather hilarious...

"need to reloa... *flies 15 metres up in the air* WTF?"

Love the Brute Spike guns... my new favourite dual weild since SMGs...
What do the reviews have to do with it? I asked YOU to point out what's in Halo 3 that hasn't been done before. Just to quote you

'Looks fantastic, score / sound is immaculate, controls are just sublime and so on'

Fantastic looking (err we looking at the same game?), immaculate sounding (you what?) and sublime controls (same as most other games) have all been done before, this gives us nothing new or better.

"Fantastic looking (err we looking at the same game?)" - Yip, Halo 3 looks fab - Im in agreement with the majority there.

"immaculate sounding (you what?)" - Sorry which word don't you understand - 'immaculate' or 'sounding' ?? Immaculate = 'FREE FROM FAULT'. Sounding = "AUDITORY STIMULATION". The musical score in Halo 3 particularly fits this description.

"sublime controls (same as most other games)" - No I disagree, Halo 3's controls are refined - can't imagine smoother control on console FPS.

"What do the reviews have to do with it? I asked YOU to point out what's in Halo 3 that hasn't been done before. "

You asked why Halo 3 is superior to generic shooters - read the reviews, I agree with their reasons for giving high scores.
well all I have played so far is co-op..and as we belted out the tunnel in our little warthog convoy and out into big wide open it was a really great moment

the draw distances really help with outdoor sniping..though it also means the tank can hit you from bloomin miles away

not a great fan of being indoors but being outside totally lifts the game for me

been only 2 players on legendary..and its bloomin hard...lots of nasty headshots from their snipers early on...and those buggers in the shiny green armour!! curse them and their rocket launcher things
I only just started toying around with the movie mode last night.

Any doubts that I may have had about this being a sublime piece of software went totally out the window. Absolutely amazing.
Sorry which word don't you understand - 'immaculate' or 'sounding' ?? Immaculate = 'FREE FROM FAULT'.
I can't be bothered to quote it all, but will pick you up on this bit. It is not free from fault, every man and his fanboy is complaining that the weapon fire is to quiet, how is that Immaculate & 'FREE FROM FAULT' ?
I can't be bothered to quote it all, but will pick you up on this bit. It is not free from fault, every man and his fanboy is complaining that the weapon fire is to quiet, how is that Immaculate & 'FREE FROM FAULT' ?

Ok, I'll give you that - you didn't seem to 'get' what I was saying about Halo 3's audio so I quoted the dictionary definition of immaculate.

I would still use 'immaculate' to describe the sound (even though its a bit of an exaggeration but its the best I've heard) :)
I can't be bothered to quote it all, but will pick you up on this bit. It is not free from fault, every man and his fanboy is complaining that the weapon fire is to quiet, how is that Immaculate & 'FREE FROM FAULT' ?

That and some 'tweaking' in the body movement after being shot are the only 2 errors I've encountered. The latter is nothing and something I've seen in loads of games, but the former does bug me. I wouldn't mind if it was quieter in multiplayer (for voice comms) but in Single Player I want some beef!
Yep indeed, it doesn't feel as though you're holding a fiercesome weapon of destruction spitting death in the direction of your foes, feels like a pea shooter popping playfully... Or something like that anyway :)
I'd agree. Graphically they are superb and you can gauge the damage that way, but the lack of 'oopf' from the firing of it is a let down. Especially as BioShock got it perfect.
I do admit if they sorted the sounds out then I'd be a lot happier with the game, it would defianately add to the mood/atmosphere.
Get yourself to the shop and pick one up then if you can afford it. You can always take your sealed copy back should it arrive tomorrow or something. Then you'll have something to play now.
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