HALO 3 Official Thread

I think its pretty cool how you can do this,makes the game so much fun because you can have a laugh at silly things that happens ect or you can prove you did something brilliant

Definately agree with this, great if you've been playing with a few mates when you detach the camera and go and look what was happening elsewhere on the map.
My favourite map so far has to be Sandtrap, love how open it is, can get some great vehicle battles going on. I'm also getting quite addicted to the territories matches.

Hopefully see some more screenshots soon, have seen some decent ones so far. (Stole one of SiD's as my desktop background :D )
Finally managed to complete the SP mode just a few mins ago:p...christ it wasnt easy and i dont know but it wasnt that short tbh....in fact i found it a bit too long and repetitive.

Anyways fantastic game, really enjoyed the ending...Catrona looks and sounds hot for an computer generated person:p.

Now i can join some of you in some MP action so dont be afraid if you need a noob to get some easy kills...i do suck at FPS on consoles...well FPS in general...its no wonder it took me awhile to finally kill this game off in SP mode.

Looking forward to some MP action...
Finally managed to complete the SP mode just a few mins ago:p...christ it wasnt easy and i dont know but it wasnt that short tbh....in fact i found it a bit too long and repetitive.

Anyways fantastic game, really enjoyed the ending...Catrona looks and sounds hot for an computer generated person:p.

Now i can join some of you in some MP action so dont be afraid if you need a noob to get some easy kills...i do suck at FPS on consoles...well FPS in general...its no wonder it took me awhile to finally kill this game off in SP mode.

Looking forward to some MP action...

Gamertag: DazGee
Add me :)
tbh hope they fix the map/gametype distribution at some point, I am really getting quite bored of pit/last resort and bloody shotty snipers...

And grrr my headset was playing up last night, halo mp is a bit pants without it.
tbh hope they fix the map/gametype distribution at some point, I am really getting quite bored of pit/last resort and bloody shotty snipers...

And grrr my headset was playing up last night, halo mp is a bit pants without it.

More people need to veto crappy shottysnipers. Don't you only get those maps on big team battle? I've played 60 odd games and never once played on those maps.
What playlists have you been playing, this is mainly on social slayer. I try and stay clear of BTB unless i'n a group of 6, been playing with 3 others...

Going to try some ranked team slayer tonight... Not really sure why i've been playing social lol...
social and ranked free for alls mostly, with the odd ranked slayer.

Social is nice because every one's crap and I get a 2:1 ratio (exactly :p) on it \o/
Quick question I just picked a skull up. Its in my hands, I got an unlock. Can I now chuck it away? I died and then the skull was there again. What do I do with them?
You can pick them up once and then never have to worry about them again. It's normal for nothing to happen when you pick a skull up, and you'll find the skull has been enabled for selection in the campaign options.
Is quite interesting when you die you can hear the other teams conversation briefly. I kept trying to catch who was calling me cannon fodder so I could tell them to **** off.

You can hear anyone that is within the proximity of your radar talking, Alive or dead, your team or the others. There is only a limited time you can talk when dead and I think it is limited to proximity chat only
Anywhere in game to turn the brightness up without playing with my monitor setting? Can find anything so far in game???
It's in the settings on the main menu I think, if not just press start to bring up the settings screen and I think the brightness settings are there.
There was a serious lack of invitation at a sensible hour. I demand better from you Turtle. :mad:
Meh when I invited you you kept starting up Fifa. For shame! :p I'll spam you with them when I'm on later, most of the time it's set to invite only so if you want to jump in send me or Krono or one of the other guys a message.

I really do think we need another match up thread like the one that was locked. Loads of people here asking to join that we keep missing in the general chat around the game.
I think I need some n00b games setting up I really suck at this, gets on my nerves I start shooting people first they have the same weapon yet 9/10 I die first :(
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