Achievements are only unlocked in ranked, which means you'd have to move out of training.
Training missions? Have I completely missed a section of the game?
When you play online you're forced to do 1 training match.
Ah I've only done matchmaking/custom not ranked yet.
Matchmaking is ranked!
Matchmaking is ranked!
well not all of it is.
They are my most hated maps.I finished the campaign on Legendary last night.
Some parts in that were so hard heh. Only took me 3 days though on and off.
Halo 2's mulitplayer is still a lot better right now. The maps are pretty awful. Guardian and Construct are the only good ones.
Can you guys elaborate? I play matchmaking on 'casual' whatever that means. I get EXP and promotions but not 'skill'.
One complaint I have about this game is the manual is utter crap. It doesn't explain very much at all.