HALO 3 Official Thread

the thing that is realy annoying me when playing online is the shields,i had dual smg's and i was absolutely hammering this guy and he turns around and kills me.I mean i must have shot him like 50 times and he still has time to turn around and kill me.
SMGs Suck plain and simple

Halo is really about grenades, bullets and mellee, there are few Dual wielding weapons worth using, and none are worth using at a distance greater than the diameter of the circle in the centre of guardian.

Also it is worth noting that bullets are better at reducing health/physical armour, plasma is better at reducing shields.
SMGs Suck plain and simple

Halo is really about grenades, bullets and mellee, there are few Dual wielding weapons worth using, and none are worth using at a distance greater than the diameter of the circle in the centre of guardian.

Also it is worth noting that bullets are better at reducing health/physical armour, plasma is better at reducing shields.

I have noticed as soon as Miss K gets a bead on me, she'll lob grenades at me and I end up either getting hit with splash damage or strafing into them.

My problem is still getting to grips with aiming. I've turned down the sensitivity to aim better but now my turn speed is too slow if someone shoots from behind.

Any top tips for getting better?
I use a fairly low sensitivity as well, it is almost impossible to kill someone if they shoot you first in the back (unless they're rubbish) the important thing is to try and make sure they don't end up behind you (obvious i guess) keep an eye on your team mates icons and get to know the levels, work out what your team mates can see and where the opponents are likely to be coming from.
I have noticed as soon as Miss K gets a bead on me, she'll lob grenades at me and I end up either getting hit with splash damage or strafing into them.

My problem is still getting to grips with aiming. I've turned down the sensitivity to aim better but now my turn speed is too slow if someone shoots from behind.

Any top tips for getting better?

I play with sensitivity 3-5 (depending on mood) Currently I am on Sensitivity 5 It was a bit of a pain throughout the campaign and for the first few days on live. But now I am more or less happy with it.

Halos Combat dictorate more or less revolves around Grenades, Bullets. Melee. I would suggest using that combination in most fights, where you do not have a power weapon (ie sniper, rockets, shotgun, hammer, sword)

If you take one shot and know instinctively that you cant win the fight. Try to get behind cover and use that to make your get away. Best to runaway and fight another day.
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I'll describe it for you then.

At the top of narrows I'm at the opposite side of the map to an enemy.
I chuck 2 plasma nades.
The first nade explodes and redirects the second nade straight into the heart of my enemy, earning me a most spectacular sticky :p
Does anyone know how to get rid of the NAT issue that pops up on halo when i am connection to a multiplayer game.My router is a netgear dg834g,i am not sure what settings ect to change
Think I'll play some of this online tonight. Not been able to play on live much for the last week or so because I've been very close to my download cap.

But today's the start of a new month! Time to own some more noobs! :D
i want to play some now,havent finished single player game yet lol.I was moving my sisters stuff from her old house to her new house last night and today my arm is aching.I can barely keep hold of the controller lol.
I play with sensitivity 3-5 (depending on mood) Currently I am on Sensitivity 5

Hmm I'm on 2 at the moment. I'll ramp it up but I can't see how you can play like that as as soon as you touch the controller you'll spin around. Which is good if someone is behind you, but annoying if you're trying to aim. The controller is just not that good, or perhaps it's my thumbs :)
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