For custom games it could be better, should have optimatch or so, matchmaking however is a great system.
Matchmaking is naff because of all the crappy game types.
For custom games it could be better, should have optimatch or so, matchmaking however is a great system.
So how better than Halo (the first one not 2 'cos we all know that 2 is *****) is this one?
I have to agree. The online setup is awful, why couldn't they just use a similar setup to say UT or Quake where you could filter games, etc.
Ain't that what custom games do? or forge? not sure really
I'll be on at about 10 for anything apart from rocket races/gay game types.
Today we caught up with several members of the lead development team for the newly released game, Halo 3, which has already received a ton of reviews, mostly above the 90% mark, which almost guarantee's we will be playing this game for years to come, off and of course, online. We had a long chat with bungie, about the game and what the future holds for halo.
Firstly, they have announced they will be releasing map packs in the near future, they didnt reveal and details, but assure us we will see them before 2008 comes. This is another good move by bungie, as more maps = more fun!
They also announced that whilst it isnt in development, they are planning a new halo game, based purely on a single player expierence to be released before the xbox 360's life comes to an end.
We also discussed lots of other things, many of them confidential details that we cannot say here on the website, but one thing we did strangely start talking about is who is under that green suit of master chiefs? They started making jokes like, "If we told you that, we'd have to kill you" sort of thing, which was all fun and light hearted, then one of us said that the guy who first came up with the idea for halo, based master chief on a personal expierence of his, and thats when he a visited bar in thailand, where he met a transexual named Rosaline, who he took back to his hotel and made passionate love too.
"Thats basicly who master chief is under his green combat suit, a Thai Transexual called Rosaline, but we prefer not to tell players this, or put it in the description of the game as it may put them off, but there will be a few suprises when halo 4 comes around, a lot about whats under that green suit..." He didnt say any more on the subject, but it certainly suprised us.
Keep checking up on the halo 3 news page for more info about this amazing game!
What do those skulls do? sorry if they have been mentioned already, I take it the host needs to have found them in the game already to use them?
Just got noobed due to rubbish team+leaver
Boo. Rocket race is fantastic fun.