HALO 3 Official Thread

As someone who hasnt played halo before the whole set up reminded me a little bit of Starship troopers crossed with Alien. That Alien thingie that helps you out on levels reminded me of the Gorgon leader from small soldiers ;)
Cheers for the games guys! some very close games there.
Was nice to try some of the different game types aswell, though team slayer and ctf are still my fav's :)
What about buzz light year

PS I'm glad your not selling this one. I will have years of fun killing you :D

I take it you have never seen his face in the game? I'm sure it's buzz. :p

dannyjo i think you must have read my mind! :eek: I too had never completed a halo game and thought exactly the same :D

I have the 2nd one sitting on the shelf. I will decide to either get the first and rip through them on easy or just watch the cutscenes. Just to see if I can make sense of the story :D
I have to say I dont think the gfx's are upto much either. Maybe its the 1900x1200 screen but compared to other games i've played on the 360 i'd say they are ok.

But I'm so glad I re-visted this game. The single player game was probably the most enjoyable I've played this year. Well this or the darkness.

It's never been a franchise I've been interested in but its made me want to play the others.

The final level in the hog, thats the sort of thing gears was badly lacking.

I dont think I will sell this game ;)

Same here mate:), was never really into the whole xbox thing when it first came out although i was sorely tempted to pick one up a few yrs ago when they were dead cheap but didnt bother. My bro who now lives in Canada always played on his original xbox and i remember how excited he got when Halo first came out...i couldnt really understand and plus at the time i was more into pc gaming. Same thing with Halo2 when that came out, i was in Canada visiting him, as he had moved there...we stood outside the shop in the Canadian freezing weather, it was winter time there, for a good couple of hrs so that he could get a copy of Halo2....again i wasnt that interested in it...thought it was ok but nothing to catch my imagination tbh.

Now when the 360 came out, i bought one straight away..,.and havent looked back sicne day of purchase. Wasnt sure about getting halo3 as i was never interested in the halo franchise but after completing the SP mode the other day...ive been playing MP with a few guys on xbox live and i have to say its a roar a minute....even though i keep getting owned. But saying that, so far ive ended up in 2nd or 3rd place a few times so i guess im not that bad:p.

Just a bit confused by the MP bit though as i keep wanting to try other maps but i keep getting chucked into the basic training one...i guess ill figure it out sometime soon:p.

Still waiting to join you lot for some gaming but no one ever gives me an invite:(...just send me an invite or add me...gamertag in sig
Just had a run in with the save bug it seems, i was in the middle of finding cortana a few days back, saved and quit. Went back to the game today and im back fighting the 2 scarabs. :rolleyes:
Anyone had any problems with the achievements? Just been playing through and somehow Ive got the achievement for finishing chapter 4, but no sign of a chapter 3 achievement.

And I seem to have problems every time I save, the save and quite option pretty much just doesnt work at all for me.
Is it only me who finds multiplayer a total nightmare?

I just want to join an existing game with 15 other players and then stay on, with folk coming and going. The whole matchmaking this is really frustrating and I've found it really difficult to get decent games. Turned it off last night it was so frustrating.
some screens from some matches i had tonight

Hammertime lol


my rocket attack



I thought hammerzeit was one of the custom gametypes someone here put together, where the run speed is maxed, the gravity is gone and everyone has hammers. It was so fast the game couldn't keep up.
Up to level 6 now, just keeps getting better. graphics are phenomenal on HDTV, the whole game is just so Epic. Surprised i like it so much, as never really got into the others in the series. This is way better, streets ahead.
I'd say its the best game i've played on the 360, slightly better than Bioshock for me.
Is anybody going to be free tonight to help me finish a couple of missions on Legendary please?

I have the last mission "Halo" to complete and another one which I cannot remember the name of.

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