I simply can't play this anymore The crashing is so bad, it's totally random, I've tried every fix possible bar a format. No other game has an issue, it's real shame as I am really enjoying the campaign
Only a couple of missions in and it seems pretty good so far (I've only just arrived in the open world before I called it a night). The gunplay feels sharp and satisfying like you would expect, some of the guns do seem pretty inferior to others already though, unless it's just me not liking how they feel. The grappling hook seems to be the star so far, getting used to the targeting range will take a little time but I'm constantly trying to use it in both offensive and defensive moves, really good fun.
I think I might need to go and find some plot videos of the previous games to refresh as I have absolutely no idea what is going on at the moment. 1-3 I can remember ok, 4 & 5 I can barely recall anything and I've never played any of the Halo Wars games so there's obviously tonnes of important story points that I've missed
Not seen if you've posted before...but, have you tried uninstalling the texture pack?I simply can't play this anymore The crashing is so bad, it's totally random, I've tried every fix possible bar a format. No other game has an issue, it's real shame as I am really enjoying the campaign
Not seen if you've posted before...but, have you tried uninstalling the texture pack?
I had constant crashes on my system, 'manage game add ons' then removed the high quality texture pack and not crashed once since!
I can feel a refund coming on as I cannot even launch the game as it requires me to sign in and then does not send any verification codes to enable me to do so.
The odd thing is that I downloaded the Microsoft authenticator app and that too is not sending verify codes ot phone or email.
Nope It was not that as I changed a couple of security settings and I got emails and texts when that happened.Sounds like somebody has changed your contact details.
I had that issue earlier. If you delete then add back the high resolution texture pack, it should let you launch it again.Trying to launch and it's just bringing up Game Services in a popup :/
I had that issue earlier. If you delete then add back the high resolution texture pack, it should let you launch it again.
Performance was going great for me until I got to the open world part. Went from a rock solid 100FPS and as soon as I got outside it slowly started dropping as if I had a memory leak and stayed around 65-75fps.
That's with a 3090, everything set to Ultra and at 3840x1600
Wouldn't say to, I class it as unplayable on my 3080.Is anyone playing the campaign at 1440 with a 5700xt? Is it playable?
Is anyone playing the campaign at 1440 with a 5700xt? Is it playable?
Campaign runs much, much worse than the small 4v4 maps. Take big team battle and slash a good 20-30% performance off - thats what to expect. Check out the campaign benchmarks here:Dont understand why this is hard to run, the recommended specs are a rtx2070 yet people with 3080s are struggling...whats that all about? lol i get good smooth fps in multiplayer but have the min fps set to 82 so dont think im playing at true 1440p
Still it looks good enough for me and if i can get similar results in campaign then i will be happy, im in 2 minds whether to buy it or not, dont want to waste the money if its unplayable for me at 1440p, anyone else playing this with a 2070?
WOW thats terrible performance lol defo going to give it a miss...get on average around 90fps to 120fps on big team battle with minimum fps set to 82...looks like i would be at under 40fps by that benchmark in campaign lol poop to that!Campaign runs much, much worse than the small 4v4 maps. Take big team battle and slash a good 20-30% performance off - thats what to expect. Check out the campaign benchmarks here: