Hampshire Meet - 7th Oct

7th.....dont think i have anything planned that day. Never know i might have got something a bit more interesting than the leon of doom by then.
Ooo I might see if I can talk the g/f into going to see her folks that weekend. I could accidently borrow her car and end up there "lost" :p

Mine is still WIP so no Jonny69mobile yet :(
I'm here to help restore the Mondeo balance!
7th is fine for me!

That's assuming the Mondeo hasn't been destroyed by the body shop, havn't seen it let alone got it back yet! Have to call them later!

Will defo have it by the 7th though.

Oh, whilst I remember, Jez do you still want that Rover headlight?
Some good news guys... Parents can come down on the Sunday instead, and in order to avoid going into bad books Ive offered my "services" that day to the other half instead, but have permission in writing signed in triplicate to come see you fine folks instead.

I'll be up for a North of London convoy, Nick.

(Mondeo count = Mondeo count + 1)
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