Hampshire Meet - 7th Oct

PeterNem said:
Some good news guys... Parents can come down on the Sunday instead, and in order to avoid going into bad books Ive offered my "services" that day to the other half instead, but have permission in writing signed in triplicate to come see you fine folks instead.

I'll be up for a North of London convoy, Nick.

Kewwwl. \o/

I don't mind going up towards St Albans - there's a big Shell garage just off the M25 at junction 21a (between St Albans and Watford). Reckon we should meet there?

Nick, Nozzer,

Sounds good chaps!!

You might want to lead the convoy if you can make it Noz, or else you'll be covered in black soot by the time we get there.
PeterNem said:
Nick, Nozzer,

Sounds good chaps!!

You might want to lead the convoy if you can make it Noz, or else you'll be covered in black soot by the time we get there.
I'll be travelling at a very sedate 75, so if you lot want to make rapid progress I'll let you go :)
MrMatteh said:
you *always* do that

*stamps foot* :D

well, i'll be there anyway, with my housemate Woodsy2k. can get some leet pics

and westy, be my guest :)

Cool, cheers :) might have some proper arch trims etc for my 205 by then, so it wont look like such a ****heap :p
If anyone is worrying about the state of their car, don't. My new car is less rusty than the last (quite a lot less), but my paintwork isn't so hot, something to do with rover laquer being somewhat cack (rubbing the spoiler with my thumb will have the laquer peeling) and some fool sellotaping it while I was away, it comes off very slowly.
bam0 said:
If anyone is worrying about the state of their car, don't. My new car is less rusty than the last (quite a lot less), but my paintwork isn't so hot, something to do with rover laquer being somewhat cack (rubbing the spoiler with my thumb will have the laquer peeling) and some fool sellotaping it while I was away, it comes off very slowly.
There's no bloody chance I'm even washing mine for you lot of reprobates.
Car wash for the win :D

If the M25 lot are going down the M3, perhaps I can join you when I join it?
I'll be taking shots all the time im there I'd imagin, and then ill try and get samples hosted somewhere so if anyone wants a full size image, i can email them a raw (.NEF) or low compression jpeg. So how clean your car is is up to you :)
woodsy2k said:
I'll be taking shots all the time im there I'd imagin, and then ill try and get samples hosted somewhere so if anyone wants a full size image, i can email them a raw (.NEF) or low compression jpeg. So how clean your car is is up to you :)

awesome :)
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