Hand made Infill plane (woodwork)

Thanks for the comment guys :)

Definitely be interested in whatever you do next. If it interests you I think you could vlog your builds too!

I suspect I'll make another plane at some point, I'm in need of a decent shoulder plane so that might be next.

I have thought about vlogging but it's a lot of extra work, taking pictures is quick and easy but setting up a camera and filming every stage would be difficult not to mention the extra time in processing all the footage.

I don't have a decent camera either, I did the video for this one on my phone and even that took a good few hours to process.

We'll see, I might give it a go for the next one, won't be any time soon though.
I have put off commenting on this thread till I have seen the finished article and i have not been disappointed -that is a work of art - Well done Famas I look forward to your next project. :)
Awesome work. The finished plane is stunning, can't wait to see what you make next.

Once this thread has run its course it might be a good idea to move it to home and garden as there are probably some in there that would be interested, plus its a fitting place to archive projects like this.
Ah, it didn't take me long to start a new project!


Thanks for all the comments on the last one guys.
AFAIK it looks like the previous gen one+ battery, which looked a bit plain, could be wrong though, be interested to know if any of the aftermarket batteries are any good as I have plenty of Ryobi Kit too.

Just to add that i have Flagpower dewalt batteries and they're been fine. Also have some Fleureon ones.

Buy them from Amazon and any issues you can return them :)
Huzzahh! New thread or just going to make this Famas' home made creations thread?

I'll probably just add on to this thread, keeps every thing in one place as it's another plane.
Not sure If I'll update as frequently as the last project. I'm trying to do more video but I cant stand the sound of my own voice, I sound like a breaking down robot :rolleyes:

Looking forward to seeing another great project. Is it a block plane? Looks quite small.

I'm going very traditional this time with a English mitre plane. As far as I'm aware there were no set sizes for them, they range from block plane size up to jack plane size.
I was given the piece of brass so had to make it fit that, It should end up a little bigger than a block plane.
While they look very simple in design they are difficult planes to make as the sole fits from the bottom onto the sides and the main feature is the extremely tight mouth, meaning the sole is made from 2 pieces perfectly aligned and fitted together. It will certainly test my abilities that's for sure.

I was planning to make a different plane all together but I've no spare cash at the moment and the materials for it are quite costly.
I'll see how this one goes, I might make it after.

Just to add that i have Flagpower dewalt batteries and they're been fine

I must have had the flag power for about 3 years now with no problems.
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