handbrake is called e-brake?

30 Jul 2005
this been on my mind for a while but why people calling the handbrake the e-brake now?
back in the day it was just handbrake or parking brake but now is all e-brake fud.
Given the lack of a hand operated lever on a majority of newer cars it certainly makes sense to call it something else.

I’m not certain “e-brake” is that term though, as you’d not use it in most emergency situations. Parking brake I guess makes the most sense!
Probably because it’s electronic and your press a button rather than yanking it with your hand.
Parking brake would be better, but it’s used in hill-hold as well right?
Americans call the handbrake the 'e' brake (emergency brake). I assume because they rely on 'park' on the transmission?
americans also call the accelerator pedal the gas pedal?? so in uk why dont we call it the petrol pedal?

friend i got in the usa says its because accelerator is too hard a word to spell and gas is easier. lol
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