Happiness is . . .

16 Oct 2002
In the radio shack
A Mac Pro with oodles of memory :)

I just realised that my dock almost covers the whole width of the screen! I looked up at iStat menus in the dock and I don't think I've ever used as much memory.


(resized to 65%)

And the memory...

CPU activity is sitting around 35%

I love this machine, nothing feels sluggish at all :)
You're trying to make me jealous, now :p

It's a good feeling though
You loaded it up that much? I considered it but really couldn't justify that amount of memory.
my pc has 8GB lol

Yes but it's a PC so it's dirty. Dirty in a bad way. :D

All these Mac Pro bigging up threads really makes me want one. Shame I don't have the cash. Oh and to make matters worse I'll be in The Temple to Gods of Technology that is the Regent Street Apple store tomorrow worshiping.

Must resist using credit card (again!)

He's probably a PC user and we all know how they are a little soft in the head. ;) :p

I have an iMac thankyou very much :) Good to see you all still snap to attention at a potential insult though! :D

And i'm just chuckling at how Concorde Rules described the CPU's, as if 8 'desktop-grade' cores weren't enough for something being used as a desktop :p
Yes but it's a PC so it's dirty. Dirty in a bad way. :D

All these Mac Pro bigging up threads really makes me want one. Shame I don't have the cash. Oh and to make matters worse I'll be in The Temple to Gods of Technology that is the Regent Street Apple store tomorrow worshiping.

Must resist using credit card (again!)


I was in the liverpool store today... my right hand was gravitating towards my wallet seeing the Mac Pro with the 30" display... Had to resist though.

I'll be in the Regent Street store at the end of the month though... don't know how well I'll fare then!
Xeons are the same hardware, just with a different firmware on them, aren't they?

(biased to performance in servery / workstationy tasks)
Technically they are from Intel's workstation line of CPUs, the server Xeons are slightly different.

And yes, it's a nice machine, but you pay enough for it so it damn well should be. Either way it's not something I would ever consider purchasing since I barely push a C2D Dell.
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