Happiness is . . .

Yes it does do them one at a time, it cycles them. But my point is whilst cycling through them one by one I can still do everything else, something my MacBook hasn't got the horse power to do.

You should try not having them all open at once, it might work better on your MB? Admit it, your point was just to willy wave :p

Huh? As soon as the 4870 is available for my 2008 Mac Pro I'll be upgrading. I game using OS X, it's not a waste at all. What's your point?

He's a tard? :p

I'd like to upgrade the graphics card in my MP at some point. But ideally I'd like to upgrade the whole MP, this one is fine but I know for the same money I paid I could have 8 cores instead of 4 :p

oh shush, you love it :D
So what have they said about the upgrade/downgrade? not gonna happen?

Well i've got an email back saying that they want me to reinstall (again) and run their data capture thing... again.

What you guys think, should I waste my time or say, nope, sorry, had enough, swap it for the 2.93/GT120 and be done with it?

I've got uni exams coming up, I don't have time for this! :mad:


Edit: And I could buy a GTX285 or a PC version 4870 and flash it later on, which would clock better, be quieter, etc?
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I'de get them to send you out another one and hope it has the same problem, as odd as that sounds. The more time you can afford to waste (And lets be honest, you're a Uni student with another perfectly good working computer, i'm sure the MacPro isn't absolutely crucial to you) the more leverage you have in arguing for an even bigger upgrade.
I may be a uni student but with 5 exams two weeks away this is one time where student slackerness aint really a point :p

Im going to email back saying that I'll run it but I want a 2.93 and GT120 sent out as another replacement.

Sound fair?
Explain to them you have ALREADY reinstalled and ran their data check and the problem is still there.

Also explain that your MBP is a borrowed machine and is not perm, it also has to be returned on Wednesday. So therefore you need a working operational machine by Wednesday, so it will be in their interest to send out the upgrade espcially after you have patiently waited for a machine which doesn't work out of the factory

Also explain to them that because the machine hasn't worked from new and the urgency of the matter (due to your exams) you are considering returning the Mac Pro and going to Purple world to buy an equvilant Windooze machine.

That should get your new card out to you :)

EDIT: If they still don't send the card out, get an email address for a senior member of the team and go straight to them. Being a senior member he won't have time to faff about with your graphics card and will just tell the dude to send one out to you.

DOUBLE EDIT: It may also be worth gewgling about for forum posts with people with the same machine/card who are also having the problem to prove its not 'just you' :)
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Explain to them you have ALREADY reinstalled and ran their data check and the problem is still there.

Also explain that your MBP is a borrowed machine and is not perm, it also has to be returned on Wednesday. So therefore you need a working operational machine by Wednesday, so it will be in their interest to send out the upgrade espcially after you have patiently waited for a machine which doesn't work out of the factory

Also explain to them that because the machine hasn't worked from new and the urgency of the matter (due to your exams) you are considering returning the Mac Pro and going to Purple world to buy an equvilant Windooze machine.

That should get your new card out to you :)

EDIT: If they still don't send the card out, get an email address for a senior member of the team and go straight to them. Being a senior member he won't have time to faff about with your graphics card and will just tell the dude to send one out to you.

DOUBLE EDIT: It may also be worth gewgling about for forum posts with people with the same machine/card who are also having the problem to prove its not 'just you' :)

They know its a perm machine, its in my order history on my account.

He knew the serial of everything i've ever bought from them :p

Im already with level 2 tech, so I guess that is senior :p

Wouldn't mind a wireless card too! ha ha.
They know its a perm machine, its in my order history on my account.

He knew the serial of everything i've ever bought from them :p

Im already with level 2 tech, so I guess that is senior :p

Wouldn't mind a wireless card too! ha ha.
oh :p Well nevermind then :D

What did you email them? :)
Haven't yet.

Not quite sure how to word it to swap to 2.93/GT120 :/

Dear Mr Apple man,

What you sold me doesn't work. However, the upgrade to the 2.93/GT120 will.

Simples *wink*

Yours sincerely,

Concorde Rules

P.S That's not my actual real name but it's what some guy on a forum said to say, ta!


Done :D
I keep meaning to buy the 4GB pack of Mac Pro ram to bump mine up to 5GB - Not upgraded it from the 1GB that came in it at launch, really need to!

Looks like nVidia will be selling as GTX295 for Mac soon. Schweet :D I've put an 8800GT in mine to keep me going for a while. The GT120 was so hugely poo it was unbelieveable ;)
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