Har far are we from proper sex robots?


well they do eat dogs...

I suspect that some have gotten scans/had abortions and others have managed to select the sex when using say IVF etc...

Totally agree, but would love it if we could get our hands on some real data!

Edit: removed off topic ramblings of a mad man
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Those 33 million missing women were still born, the births were just not declared, people can be monsters, but do we really think 66 millions parents could murder their child just because of its sex - I have more faith in humanity than that... odds are in favour of some baby girls being killed - but 33m would be staggering.

Murder doesn't even come into it when sex-selective abortion is a thing in China. China has at least 13 million abortions per year so I think the gender imbalance can be accounted for without assuming unreported births.

To take the one-child policy out of the equation, India also has 37 million more males than females.
The future is already here my friends, this is all we will ever need :




That is the funniest thing I've seen all week lol
I bet they'll have a shed load of dlc to bleed you dry. Start off with the basic missionary package (only activates with lights off and under the covers) and anything more means $$$

Still it might also cut the grass
I wonder if it would legally count as cheating and grounds for a divorce or just a sex toy.

Be an interesting test case or two and I imagine it will make a considerable difference to potential divorce settlements as well as pre nuptials in preference to an affair with another human
7 pages of this!

You disgust me.

Because you haven't posted this yet: https://campaignagainstsexrobots.org/


Haha before clicking on it I knew it would be run by women. Looking at the "Team" page it's all women.

The Campaign Against Sex Robots is a group of activists, writers and academics developing new, and sorely needed feminist and abolitionist perspectives of robots and AI.

And naturally they don't want rights for robots but want to make sure that sex robots don't cause inequality (which I interpret as men no longer valuing women because one of their major powers will be diminished):

We are not proposing to extend rights to robots. We do not see robots as conscious entities. We propose instead that robots are a product of human consciousness and creativity and human power relationships are reflected in the production, design and proposed uses of these robots. As a result, we oppose any efforts to develop robots that will contribute to gender inequalities in society.

Now this is also an interesting quote from their page. They are doing what a lot of feminists do when they try to win an argument; their conflate the argument with other arguments which are completely unrelated:

All human beings regardless of age, race, ethnicity, gender and class have the right to have their subjectivity recognised, but not at the expense of another through violence, discrimination or coercion.
To build alliances with campaigns against the sexual exploitation of humans.
The development of sex robots and the ideas to support their production show the immense horrors still present in the world of prostitution which is built on the “perceived” inferiority of women and children and therefore justifies their use as sex objects.
We believe the development of sex robots further sexually objectifies women and children.

...so what they are suggesting is that the use of sex robots causes violence and discrimination against people. How does it do that? It atually does the complete opposite and may prevent it. They also suggest that the use of sex robots sexually objectifies children, indicating that users of the robots may be leaning towards pedophilia. This is a typical tactic used by them. After all no-one wants pedophilia. So if you want to use a robot then you must be a disgusting person, right?
New business plan - "Just-Beat". App on your phone and choose an s-bot of your likeing. It'll drive itself to your location, perform the act and then leave.
New business plan - "Just-Beat". App on your phone and choose an s-bot of your likeing. It'll drive itself to your location, perform the act and then leave.

iPoons, when Apple gets in on the game.

Porn-hubby and Instaman for the ladies after a man who won't let them down.

Microsoft Office-****

Okay I'm running out a bit here
I wish I was smarter. This sort of product will be an absolute gold mine.
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