Hard Slam! (courtesy of Retro Rides...)

[TW]Fox said:
Did you just call 20" rims subtle?

On a car the size of an A8, yes. They're perfectly in proportion.

On an A3 they would be overkill.

Why do people throw the word 'chav' around without any clue as to what it means or what they are actually looking at?

This place is nearly as bad as the den of idiocy that is known as Barryboys sometimes...

what is the point? If you want a car that looks like its scraping the ground, dont buy an audi, surely? >.<. More like a Saxo or Something.
[TW]Fox said:
Don't be so utterly ridiculous. Alloy wheels which require 30 profile tyres or lower are not the 'perfect' size for a large luxury saloon focused on comfort over handling.
Visually, they are spot on.

Sometimes I wonder if you have any aesthetic flair at all ;)

Not everyone cares about comfort over looks.


PS: it is a daily driver ;)
Netvyper said:
what is the point? If you want a car that looks like its scraping the ground, dont buy an audi, surely? >.<. More like a Saxo or Something.
If you want to scrape tarmac then do it. it doesn't matter what you drive.

Im sorry but that just ruined an A8, I love A8's but that to me just looks nasty, Not just the fact it's way to low but those wheels are a whole new type of ugly.

While I do like a lot of the things you post, to me that just doesn't sit right, perhaps a nice set of alloys and a tad higher it would look good. But then it would just be normal :p
DAvE18 said:
While I do like a lot of the things you post, to me that just doesn't sit right, perhaps a nice set of alloys and a tad higher it would look good. But then it would just be normal :p


Its a nice car and all but...with better wheels and a lot lower it would be nicer.

...and with it cleaned up a bit it would be great ;)

DAvE18 said:
you mean kind of like what the S8 does without lookin to silly ;)

No. I mean like the 4.2 in my OP ;)

Speaking of S8s, does anyone have the pic of the satin black one on chrome monoblocks that I posted a couple of years ago?

Chandlers saxo does look pretty cool for a penski style car, completely ruined the ride and handling of the car though :(
penski said:
Care to be constructive? ;)


Ok, the wheels look far too large for the car. They ming, hard. Oh and the amount that the car has been lowered makes it look like something out of Max Power.
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[TW]Fox said:
So what did he buy an A8 for!

I can't speak for him but I'd love the chance to make a great-looking Euro VIP-style car. Proves that the Japs and Yanks don't have exclusivity with the look.

I'll ask him if he wants to come and 'defend' himself...

penski said:
I'll ask him if he wants to come and 'defend' himself...


Why on earth would anyone change their opinions. This isn't court you know.

For me that car is useless. If i wanted a comfy car I would get an A8 and keep it standard. If i wanted something that looked nice and handling well i wouldn't get an A8.

This seems to be lost somewhere in the middle with no area of excellence, infact the ride and handling must be awful now. The only thing it may have islooks, which of course is subjective.
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