Has anyone done a 365 project?

Well I am on Day 4 today and I already have a few images to choose from.

Taking my camera to work yesterday was a good choice. As I left work I saw a hot air balloon going really low overhead. So I chased after it and caught it just after it landed in a nearby field.

I have used it for my competition entry this month.

Had it not been for this project then I wouldn't have got it. Yes, I may have off days, but this is the idea, that I do have the odd good day and get a photo I otherwise wouldn't have done, and one that I am really pleased with :)

No judge comments please

I agree that having text would be laborious after a while, but whatever works for you! I think the text makes that photo :)

I kept a blog alongside mine, for when I felt like explaining or elaborating on something. That was almost as enjoyable as the actual project at times.

I might start again, but not set a cap on it - there was a definite finish line, and I think it stopped me from carrying on!
That is what I like about this one, I can stop when I want and it won't be a failure :)

I am adding a small paragraph to each photo on Flickr to explain it a little. Which I think adds something to it, it gives a story behind it.

My Flickr Collection for the project is here - http://www.flickr.com/photos/scarysquirrel/collections/72157622321057515/

I hope to at least make 30 days.
Hmmm... you've got me tempted to try something like this. I need an excuse to take more photos and the OAP photo club wasn't the answer I was looking for. I also work from home so I could go out in the afternoons too. Could do with a macro lens before I start anything though so if worst comes to to worst I can make mundane bedroom objects look interesting :p.

PS. Loving your photos so far, nice work :).
They don't do anything to affect image quality - they're just there to get the lens away from the body and decrease the minimum focus distance. I don't think I can link anywhere that sells them because they'll be competitors. Go into your local camera shop and just ask to look at extension tubes. The ones I've got don't allow AF, but they're store own brand cheapies. Kenko makes really good ones but they're like £90 I think. Depends how much you want AF - it's whatever you're used to in my experience.
A low DOF lens like the 50mm f1.8 or 1.4 is really useful for the project, at f1.4 most things look pretty slick.

I agree about the macro too, there are many many days where nothing has happened so I did a macro shot. All my macro work has been done with a 50mm f1.8 or 1.4 with manual tubes from the auction site. I got those for about £12 and the results are pretty awesome.
Lack of AF isn't a problem either, but, with expensive tubes you'll at least get metering and automatic aperture stop-down. If you have a lower end camera (anything under a D200) you'll have to manually meter which is a pain. You'll also need to set the aperture manually, you generally need f8+ for any proper DOF so the light getting to the viewfinder is pretty dim.
I thought I would post a quick update. I'm still going, just done Day 38.

It has been a real struggle the past week or so, with it getting darker earlier in the evenings and being extremely busy at work I have had to use what I see as average photos. However I have just got a 10 Stop ND so I hope to do some more seascapes and landscapes to add further variety.

Helen and I are FINALLY getting of our arses to do another 'Autumn' shoot tomorrow as well, so that should spice things up a bit.

I was close to giving up this week, but managed to battle on through. Rob, I admire you even more for doing this for over 800 days!?!
I thought I would post a quick update. I'm still going, just done Day 38.

It has been a real struggle the past week or so, with it getting darker earlier in the evenings and being extremely busy at work I have had to use what I see as average photos. However I have just got a 10 Stop ND so I hope to do some more seascapes and landscapes to add further variety.

Helen and I are FINALLY getting of our arses to do another 'Autumn' shoot tomorrow as well, so that should spice things up a bit.

I was close to giving up this week, but managed to battle on through. Rob, I admire you even more for doing this for over 800 days!?!

Just had a look on your flickr at the ones you haven't posted on here and i think i'll just echo some of the feedback you've already had. excellent series and like I've said before the difference in quality of shot since you upgraded your camera is incredible. If you've been disheartened by the lack of inspirational subjects in your photos, personally I wouldn't be, because the clarity of the images more than make up for any dull subject. :)
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