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Has anyone got a delid tool?

I think I'm going to buy one when they in stock. I dont think I'll loose than much when I sell it, and I killed my 3570k trying to delid with a blade so...

I've not heard of anyone on these forums using one which is strange... The 1st batch was already sold wasn't it? I was hoping to grab one of MM TBH.
I have one. Its working great.

I tried on both Skylake and Haswell. Multiple times on Skylake.
Someone once suggested using dental floss to delid their cpu but I've seen anyone try it yet. On the face of it it's pretty safe and quiet a bit cheaper then buying a tool you will only use once.
I really dont want to risk the razor blade method and I dont have a Vice. I bet if you bought a tool lots of guys on the forum would offer you a tenner plus postage to borrow it to do theirs. Would soon make your money back.
I am sure guys could make there money back yes. I know guys in the benching team have ordered to do exactly that.
I'd like to jump on that list :D would like to delid my 4790k :p
i'm not sure if i can offer it as a service via mm tbh, because i am charging for it as it uses thermal paste and my time as well as the tool. also i need to order more thermal grizzly as i ran out :( . need to get one or two of those 37g tubes :D
I doubt an MM thread will be allowed, what happens when one inevitably gets damaged. Who pays to replace?
i would pay full for a retail replacement as i am pretty confident that this tool is very safe and i have plenty of my own chips to practice on. i am also thinking of selling pre delided chips tbh. the only problem is with eol cpus. not sure what i would do if i killed a 3770k or similar :(
Would be cool to do what's been done with the mech keyboard switch thing, you chip in with postage or however it works and do it that way.
what is the mechanical kb switch thing? a was thinking > they sent chip> i test temps on air at stock speed to confirm that cpu is working to start with > delid the chip > reseal with tg kryonaut > do same test at stock to make sure temps on cores are even and check temps have gone down> send cpu back.
what is the mechanical kb switch thing? a was thinking > they sent chip> i test temps on air at stock speed to confirm that cpu is working to start with > delid the chip > reseal with tg kryonaut > do same test at stock to make sure temps on cores are even and check temps have gone down> send cpu back.

Where it's shared around, so it was bought and then you just pay postage to get it sent to you from the next person. Or something like that.

I was thinking, postage and then a fee to you to say 'loan' the tool to cover the cost of the tool then post it around from one person to the next. Say from you, to me, then 8 pack for example, you just pay postage to the next person and so on. Then there's no comeback on you, and you'll make your money back.

Obviously this would only work based on trust from the people here.
I did the same thing with my Monitor calibration eye a few years ago. Guys just paid for postage on here and there was no problems. It got sent around a few guys and then back to me.

I dont think anyone would want you to delid there CPU for them they would just pay to borrow the tool from you. As sending it to you would mean we would be without a system for the few days turn around it would take with postage. Also I would like to know 100% im getting the same CPU back which I paid a premium for as it would be easy to swap it out and nobody would know. (Not saying you would do this but it could happen would rather not risk that.) Also there is no chance of damage for you handling a possibe £1000 CPU.

I would want to use Coollaboratory Liquid Ultra instead of the Krynaut.

8Pack has already kinda implied it wouldnt be a problem. Even if you just had the first 5 guys pay a tenner each and after you have made your money back its just postage costs so your not classed as profiteering.

Would like to register my interest if you are up for it.
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I did the same thing with my Monitor calibration eye a few years ago. Guys just paid for postage on here and there was no problems. It got sent around a few guys and then back to me.

I dont think anyone would want you to delid there CPU for them they would just pay to borrow the tool from you. As sending it to you would mean we would be without a system for the few days turn around it would take with postage. Also I would like to know 100% im getting the same CPU back which I paid a premium for as it would be easy to swap it out and nobody would know. (Not saying you would do this but it could happen would rather not risk that.) Also there is no chance of damage for you handling a possibe £1000 CPU.

I would want to use Coollaboratory Liquid Ultra instead of the Krynaut.

8Pack has already kinda implied it wouldnt be a problem. Even if you just had the first 5 guys pay a tenner each and after you have made your money back its just postage costs so your not classed as profiteering.

Would like to register my interest if you are up for it.
i may do this for people on this forum as the trust system is good and i can see feedback easily. as for your point about swapping out the cpu, they have unique numbers on both pcb and ihs so i wouldn't be able to do that if you took note of said numbers. the main problem i have with sending my tool out is that i buy cpu's all the time, so i would have to make a time where someone could use it.
Lawrence don't waste your time man. If a guy is not willing to just send to u and wait. Then they should buy a tool themselves. U will make your money back doing benching guys anyway.

Liquid metal is conductive junk.
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