Lol to rephrase the OPs question - does anyone still have a fully functional OCZ SSD?
My PC is on basically 24/7 and the power on hours for the SSD are 7 years and 2 months (exceptions are reboots for updates or to fix things, downtime to dust or upgrade, or downtime to transport it), so I'd guess the SSD is probably at most, 7 years and 3 months old.
Its health status in crystaldiskinfo is reported as 100% which must be a glitch. Its over 10% of its rated cycles used, given how much slower it is, I be surprised if it could last to 3000.
Less uptime but more writes than my 256GB 830. Mine is at 70% health according to CrystalDiskInfo. What does that say for you?
I was going to go and grab SSDLife Pro but it seems to be paid only now?
CrystalDiskInfo says 77%.
I just downloaded it and ran it.