Has anyone worn their SSD down to 0%

I've never had an OCZ drive die.

The oldest one I have is a 120GB Vertex 2 I think it is, it's even in a 3.5" form factor which I've not really seen on any other SSD. Still in 24/7 use.
So all of you in this thread, never bother with over provisioning there drive ? i gave at least 20% to mine, even thou most people say not to bother or no need.
So all of you in this thread, never bother with over provisioning there drive ? i gave at least 20% to mine, even thou most people say not to bother or no need.

I routinely do 10% on my PC ssd's. I think most ssd's have some factory over provision but I think for consumer ssd's its only a very small amount.

If you never fill your ssd's though it probably isnt needed.

I suspect console built in storage is over provisioned, hence the low capacities. The OS isnt nearly 200 gig.
So all of you in this thread, never bother with over provisioning there drive ? i gave at least 20% to mine, even thou most people say not to bother or no need.
None of my drives support custom overprovisioning. The drives obviously come with some factory settings but I can’t change those.
Wore out a Samsung 840 Pro by using it as a write cache in a NAS for a couple of years - not managed it on anything else at home though touch wood.
I've seen drives go read only long before their wear indicator gets anywhere near 0%
Samsung 850 evo, around 5 years old, i am running the very latest version of CrystalDisk info, maybe they changed it ?


My Samsung 850 Evos, 1TB and 500gb both just show "good" no percentage. Crucial NVME and Samsung 960 evo both show good with a percentage. So assume its just older drives missing some tech.....
Can anyone tell me what is Number of error information log entries? Every day it rasises by 2 or 3, all others s.m.a.r.t. attributes are ok, i full tested drive with samsung magician and everything went ok, but errors raises.
Whats average writes people do per month? 1tb, 2tb per month or more?
According to the stats shown by CrystalDiskInfo, my OS drive has had 0.69TB per calendar month written to it, or 0.90TB per power-on month. My second drive has had 0.28TB per calendar month of writes, or 1.9TB per power-on month.

Two things are interesting about that: 1) The OS drive has had a surprisingly large number of writes considering that I try not to use it for anything. Presumably it's mostly temp file usage. 2) The power-on time of the second drive is really small (actually less than the OS drive, despite it being much older), implying that it spends a lot of time in a low-power state.
I haven't intentionally worn out an SSD to 0%, but I either got unlucky or killed a Samsung 840 EVO last year. This resulted in sudden data loss with no warning, giving me no chance to create a backup of the drive. It turned out that some of the Samsung 840 EVO drives may have had a firmware issue, despite me keeping it up-to-date with Samsung Magician. :(
Only SSD I've ever had fail was ..... You've guessed it an OCZ Vertex one (120Gb) - they must have had absolutely pants QA
Pulled stats on one of my SSD's yesterday while updating a firmware.

Active Media: 100%
Reserve Space: 100%
PBW Endurance Rating: 20PB
PBW: 2.205
MiB Written: 2,103,166,727.536 MiB
MiB Read: 2,734,862,811.757 MiB

I don't think i've got anything to worry about for a while yet ;)
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