Has Lord of the Rings spoiled epic movies for you?

Master_X said:
You could argue that films like the matrix (the first one that is) has made all other action movies looks rubbish. Name me one that has been on par or even better then Matrix?? (and No Matrix 2+3 dont count :p )

LOTR is just a fantasticly made trilogy! FACT! Its just that all other movies havent had the amount of time and money invested to make them even come close.

Thought I was going have to tell you how bad matrix 2+3 were then lol.
Nothing yet has trumped LOTR since made. It was such an undoubtedly great telling of the story. Every time you see them you are just stunned by how good they are.

The benchmark was set so high I think they may well go down as a historic set of films, just like star wars.

In that sense, perhaps its films like LOTR that make me realise how **** poor films like 300 really are.

No swearing

Clipsey said:
I wouldnt say its spoiled other films, in a way its just set the bar mega high and no one I think has yet to make that standard. I dont think no 'epic' film has come close to matching LOTR. 300 was visually stunning and a dam good movie but nothing compared.

Oh, I think there are plenty epic movies which have excelled any standard in your opinion LoTR has set - to name two, Lawrence of Arabia (certainly at least as impressive visuals with no CGI), Doctor Zhivago is another. Although LoTR has certainly made a mark and the films were a lot better than most of the rubbish that comes out, it's quite unfair to say the LoTR films are the ultimate epic movie with nothing close.
I agree to an extent. This doesn't stop me from enjoying other films of the same genre, however, nothing yet has compared to the LOTR trilogy, and tbh i don't think anything ever will.

Nitefly said:
In that sense, perhaps its films like LOTR that make me realise how poor films like 300 really are.

I have to disagree, i watched 300 only recently (on my pc i might add) and found it not to be as bad as what people have made it out to be. Though obviously nowhere near the calibre of LOTR.
johnnyfive said:
Lord of the rings is the most overrated boring piece of cinema I have ever witnessed. How people can watch these so called epics more than once is beyond belief.

I agree to some extent, although as an avid fan of the books in my Teens the film's just did not portray what in my head I thought it should be.
Removing all those close up facial expresion shots would be a start to making them bearable, other than that they're just utter tosh and have enhanced my viewing of proper epics as most films seem good after LoTR.
Randal Graves:
The movie should have ended on the logical closure point, not the 25 endings that followed.

Randal Graves: Here's the first movie.
[walks a few steps, staring blankly]
Randal Graves: And here's the second movie.
[walks a few steps again, pretends to trip]
Randal Graves: You ready for the third movie?
[walks yet again, stops, pretends to throw the ring into the volcano. Shrugs his shoulders and turns around]

Can't argue with Clerks 2. :D

LOTR is boring, it was a good watch at the cinema, but i haven't been bored enough at any point in the last 5 years to have even considered watching any of them again.
I think it probably has spoiled epic movies for me to some degree. The amazing thing about the LOTR trilogy is the way they were made - the "making of" documentaries are almost better than the films! The amount of work that went into the smallest detail was incredible. Those two guys sitting there for months painstakingly making chainmail armor? The hand carved wooden panels that you see for about 1 second at the edge of the screen? Things like that. CGI was only used where necessary - not the bloated digital overkill of the Star Wars prequels or Matrix trilogy. Most of it was lovingly crafted by hand, and it shows.

As for the people bashing it.....well it's personal opinion. Personally I think The Godfather is the most over-rated film of all time.
Tried&Tested said:
The only people that seem to hate the LoTR films are Star Wars fans. I think they're a little worried their crown has been taken.
They should be. Star Wars is ace but it simply doesn't compare.
It doesnt really affect me, If I find a film intresting with a good storyline then it draws me in and I tend to not notice the similarities with other films.
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