Has Lord of the Rings spoiled epic movies for you?

I am more disgusted with the churning out of sad films with battle scenes "cut and pasted" out of the Rings!


Luckily I have my own decent home cinema system so whenever I want to slip back to middle earth I only have a trip to the living room. ;)
I'd also like to add that Matrix 2 + 3 are CONSIDERABLY better than the first one. Serioulsy go and watch all 3 and you'll realise how awesome 2+3 are. It opens up the matrix world so much more and the action is still un matched.

Matrix Revolutions at imax absolutely rocked my socks.

EDIT: also, eragon makes me laugh. No one seems to notice its exactly the same story as star war 4/5/6. An age old group of dudes that could fly dragons (jedi) which got wiped out, now one of em (a FARM boy incidentally) discovers he might be the one to unlock the old ways again and stop an evil king.

Even his family get killed by the evil empire at the farm fgs.
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Chris1712 said:
I'd also like to add that Matrix 2 + 3 are CONSIDERABLY better than the first one. Serioulsy go and watch all 3 and you'll realise how awesome 2+3 are. It opens up the matrix world so much more and the action is still un matched.
Gilly said:

No one gives it a chance, its a preconspired BS that 2+3 are bad films. Watch them again, without being in the frame of mind of "pfft these are so crap" and you'll realise how much better they are! I find Matrix 1 very boring now, 2+3 are awesome films with great ideas and a killer story.
Chris1712 said:
No one gives it a chance, its a preconspired BS that 2+3 are bad films. Watch them again, without being in the frame of mind of "pfft these are so crap" and you'll realise how much better they are! I find Matrix 1 very boring now, 2+3 are awesome films with great ideas and a killer story.

Actually everyone gave them a chance, everyone looked forwarded to them like they did with TTT/RoTK and Empire/Jedi. When I heard it was made back to back together like LOTR I was really excited, instead it never fulfilled its potential.
Chris1712 said:
No one gives it a chance, its a preconspired BS that 2+3 are bad films. Watch them again, without being in the frame of mind of "pfft these are so crap" and you'll realise how much better they are! I find Matrix 1 very boring now, 2+3 are awesome films with great ideas and a killer story.
I was dying to see them and still think they're a great advert for CGI but the films themselves are awful.
Chris1712 said:
No one gives it a chance, its a preconspired BS that 2+3 are bad films. Watch them again, without being in the frame of mind of "pfft these are so crap" and you'll realise how much better they are! I find Matrix 1 very boring now, 2+3 are awesome films with great ideas and a killer story.

Even that bit in number 3 when it's like 30 minutes straight of some cgi robot shooting at cgi squids?
I was disappointed with the LOTR series, it felt toned down and sappy; bound by the limitations of a PG-13/12A film. Having not read the book I can't say if it is a fair interpretation, however it seems that Peter Jackson pitched it at this level regardless of any studio pressure. It seems studios could have negatively influenced some of the more recent epics. Ridley Scott's recut of Kingdom of Heaven is said to be a more 'complete' film than the hacked theatrical version. Wolfgang Petersen's upcoming recut of Troy also sounds promising.
johnnyfive said:
Lord of the rings is the most overrated boring piece of cinema I have ever witnessed. How people can watch these so called epics more than once is beyond belief.

Read the books, and watch it again ;)
I was smart enough to read em before any of the movies came out, and I was really glad i had.
Lord Of The Rings was far too unrealistic. There was simply not enough gore, and thus the battle sequences all seemed superficial and fake. It also failed to bring out any emotion from me. Quite frankly, I preferred 300 and that was pretty crap too.

Chrisp7 said:
If you want a decent epic movie - Gladiator is certainly up there.
I personally think the epic movie standards were set very high during the 70s-80s with Star Wars, Aliens and Indiana Jones.

Most big budget hollywood movies since Matrix 1 / Gladiator have been big let down.
Gilly said:
I was dying to see them and still think they're a great advert for CGI but the films themselves are awful.
Same here, have you read the book by any chance?. I read the book a couple of times and was really looking forward to the film but unfortunately my imagination pwns Peter Jacksons :D . Well maybe not but the film really didn't live up to the book for me. I also didn't like the the comedy elements added into the film, i could almost imagine all the kids in the cinema laughing.

Saying that i watched the films on box set so it could be a very different experience on the silver screen.
Mark A said:
Same here, have you read the book by any chance?. I read the book a couple of times and was really looking forward to the film but unfortunately my imagination pwns Peter Jacksons :D . Well maybe not but the film really didn't live up to the book for me. I also didn't like the the comedy elements added into the film, i could almost imagine all the kids in the cinema laughing.

Saying that i watched the films on box set so it could be a very different experience on the silver screen.

When you read a book first you imagine in your head what all the characters look like, and you can't really shake that mental image....that's how it is for me, anyway. When I watch a film where the parts were cast by someone else, it's hard to adjust. That can kind of impair your enjoyment.

You're right about the "comedy relief" though. Keep that out of films. Or save it for the "moron special edition" DVD or something.
Curio said:
As for the people bashing it.....well it's personal opinion. Personally I think The Godfather is the most over-rated film of all time.

Actually that would probably be clerks. I can't even spell it with a capital c because I hate it that much. One of those "cult" films every teenager is forced by peer pressure into pretending they like.
No. The LoTR movies are terrible in my opinion. Totally overrated, boring, repetitive. It's nothing new, just the same stuff as before done on a larger scale.

Also no, I'm not a Star Wars fan.
Its all down to personal taste. I watched and enjoyed the films and have the extended versions on DVD which i think are better still. However, they have in no way spoiled my enjoyment of other films.
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