I get the same feeling quite a lot. I think for me it comes down to 2 things.
1 - Being able to buy a game whenever I like. This means that I overload myself and often don't give a game long enough to really grab me. For example, in the last 4 weeks I have bought -
Grey Goo
Cities: Skylines
Pillars if Eternity
I have GTA 5 pre-ordered and The Witcher 3 ready for release.
2 - Having much more real life concerns than ever before (wife, kids, work)
Now, this sounds awesome. But, it's kind of
****. I know, first world problems right? When I was a kid, I knew that my Christmas present (Streets of Rage) would have to last me for nearly a year (my birthday is also in December) that means, I played the hell out of it and completed it over and over. I had no other choice, but to play that game and not many real world distractions aside from School and Football.
These days, I have a wife and kids to worry about, so game time is less than it has ever been, just when I’m trying to shoehorn in game after game.
I have developed a strategy though. I group my games on Steam with simples groups. In play, to be played and completed. I close the completed group so I can't see it and focus on the in play group. New purchases and steam sale purchases go straight into the “to be played group”. Games I don’t like or fail to grab me go into the “completed group”. I don’t add a game from the “to be played group” until the “in play” group has less than 5 games in it.
Now, if I look at a game in the “In play” group and keep putting the game off. I ask myself, do I really want to play it? Grey Goo is a good example for me; I bought it because I wanted a good RTS game that I used to love back in the C&C times. Problem is, Grey Goo is not actually that good but my desire to play a good RTS keeps me from binning it. As I type this, I have decided to chuck in it the completed games group and move on. Cities is not being played much right now, though that’s because I have decided I want to see a decent patch or 2 from the developers before I jump in again.
This way I try and be strict with the games I end up playing, I want to make sure I only give my ever increasingly rare spare time to games I find truly entertaining. I have to deal with the fact that I’ll probably only really enjoy 1 or 2 games out of every 10 I buy, but what’s the point subjecting myself to another generic, half arsed game like AC Unity, just because I like the idea of it and I spent money on it. I have had to use a similar strategy with my Sky planner, the amount of TV shows that I had on there but never got round to watching was getting insane. If I put off watching a show for a couple of weeks, it’s because I don’t really enjoy the show but I like the idea of it.

R – Be more selective with your entertainment, be ruthless with mediocrity and don’t be scared to acknowledge you wasted money on a game. Bin it and find one you actually really enjoy.