Has the gaming industry gone stale or am I in a gaming mid life crisis?

Part of the problem is too much choice.

Most of us have a massive Steam library of games we picked up in the sales and deciding what to play is impossible.

Back in the days of cartridges and CD games, you were lucky if you more than two games to choose from. Mostly down to the relative high cost, so you chose games wisely and played them to death.

I spend more time playing retro games now than anything else, other than iRacing.
I think it is this. We mostly take games for granted now since they're thrown at us from all angles.

Once the initial excitment over GTA V's boring single player campaign has died down and multiplayer becomes a 'disconnect' fest we will be lulled into playing Witcher 3 and so forth. I am 39 now and hardly glance at most of the unplayed titles in my collection, simply because I have too many of them. I WANT to finish off Bioshock Infinite but stone me it feels like the same clunky game that was Bioshock - rummage through ALL the things and find ammo everywhere. Obviously there is an excellent backstory there like Bioshock but the gameplay just pulls me away from wanting to see it.

Ubisoft and EA I rarely look at anymore. The former makes games with UI's and experiences that feel too samey from title to title (AC and FarCry) and EA's sub-divisions produce nothing but bugfest's - although Dragon Age 3 I believe was a robust title.

I miss the days when I could buy a title, sit down on the bog and read a hefty manual to get a good amount of backstory before plunging into the game.

I presently play Payday 2 and Minecraft Feed the Beast on a daily basis as I can appreciate the vast amount of work that has gone into those two titles. Just take a break if I was you OP - GTA V I foresee will be buggy and rife with multiplayer issues for a while, yet Witcher 3 if that interests you maybe worth looking at due to the brilliant developers who have amazing attitudes to gaming.
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I went through a similar phase a while back. Wow ruined gaming for me. Just couldnt get into any Single player games at all. I stopped all gaming for a couple of month and when I came back I was more interested

I had a similar feeling when I played CS GO, That's all I played, Stopped playing it due to the amount of cheaters and griefers, Now i'm playing a variety of single player games.

Black Ops 2 has done the same to me. I played mainly SP stuff in recent years (after Q3 died out) but for some reason I can't put it down. I've become easily bored with any single player campaign and keep going back to it.
I think EVE broken my will to play games. Also kids and the wife, and to much TV. I can not remember the last game I completed.

I just wish I could get into playing games again and completing them.
I think I'm just getting really fussy these days and will wait for my favoured YT reviewer to have played any new title I'm interested in before buying it as I get so little PC time these days.

Apart from doing the very occasional FA ArmA3 session, I don't play any MP games these days as they're all set up so casual players that don't have the time to grind all the unlocks don't stand a chance.
I miss the days when I could buy a title, sit down on the bog and read a hefty manual to get a good amount of backstory before plunging into the game.

God I miss those days, even simple games like Street Fighter would list all the characters, their bio and special moves. It added to the excitement for sure. It's great that we are seeing CRPGs make a comeback, but i'm really surprised that no Theme park type games have been on Kickstarter or Theme Hospital. I loved those games.
A lot of rose-tinted specs on display here imo!

Sure there are some annoying things in the industry at the moment, but as a whole the games industry has never had such a broad range of titles available.

Playing (still) Destiny atm which is a hell of an achievement despite it's flaws, Ori and the Blind Forest (amazing), and looking forward to having a bash on Never Alone later as it's on PS+. I've got Elite Dangerous on the back burner until some content updates, Star Citizen on the way, Cities Skylines which I will pick up cheap soon, Alien Isolation to finish. Homeworld Remastered to finish playing through, Bioshock Infinite and TLOU that I will play through again, FC4 to finish...

Too much stuff around for me to fit in these days.
I think it is this. We mostly take games for granted now since they're thrown at us from all angles.

Once the initial excitment over GTA V's boring single player campaign has died down and multiplayer becomes a 'disconnect' fest we will be lulled into playing Witcher 3 and so forth. I am 39 now and hardly glance at most of the unplayed titles in my collection, simply because I have too many of them. I WANT to finish off Bioshock Infinite but stone me it feels like the same clunky game that was Bioshock - rummage through ALL the things and find ammo everywhere. Obviously there is an excellent backstory there like Bioshock but the gameplay just pulls me away from wanting to see it.

Ubisoft and EA I rarely look at anymore. The former makes games with UI's and experiences that feel too samey from title to title (AC and FarCry) and EA's sub-divisions produce nothing but bugfest's - although Dragon Age 3 I believe was a robust title.

I miss the days when I could buy a title, sit down on the bog and read a hefty manual to get a good amount of backstory before plunging into the game.

I presently play Payday 2 and Minecraft Feed the Beast on a daily basis as I can appreciate the vast amount of work that has gone into those two titles. Just take a break if I was you OP - GTA V I foresee will be buggy and rife with multiplayer issues for a while, yet Witcher 3 if that interests you maybe worth looking at due to the brilliant developers who have amazing attitudes to gaming.


30,000 words, 120 pages and the game isn't even half finished. Get reading. :p
What about dying light and alien isolation!? The devs for those games have done an amazing job and that's only two games, there are plenty of games out there that dont fall into the cash cow category
Yeah it's stale alright so for the past year I have gone back to playing all the old classics on the ps1,SNES and Dos games even the games I never got to play when I was younger but always wanted to so now I am having the best gaming year of the last decade and half and enjoying every one of them, try it dude just play old games for a few months you will enjoy like never before.
I think it is because, for me, it's the same recycled format.

FPS for me was Duke Nukem, quake, Unreal etc

Since then the whole FPS is a little recycled.

Open world games have always been more exciting. Elite, GTA (pick one) Later, any flight sim,(thousands of hours on MFS and since my sight has deteriorated, Farming sim, ETS 2, Train sim, basically anything that does not need to much sight.
I spent along time thinking about buying ED. I thought It was a bit technical sight wise. However HOTAS means no keyboard...

I know I will struggle with some aspects of GTA V, however, If I am having issues... I will just rob some stores, nick cars, gang bang and go on a ramppppaggge!!!

That will be fine for me.

I have not been this excited about a game since...... GTA iV :D
Personally I think that there aren't enough quality RTS games being made these days (in-fact, hardly any are being made anyway relative to other genres such as FPS). Recently I've gone back to playing Dawn of War: Dark Crusade and Soulstorm (with Ultimate Apocalypse mod), they are still some of the best RTS games out there in my opinion - such a shame that they dumbed the series down when they made Dawn of War 2 (I mean no base building whatsoever, come on...)
Must be getting fussy.

IMHO there has never been such a good choice for gamers AAA to Indie and everything inbetween. Gaming since the 80s and I have never felt so spoiled for choice.
I think it's down to the person. I have not stopped with the constant PSN+ Indie Titles, Bloodborne, MLB 15 very much improved, GTA coming on PC next week and constant sales on Steam and other websites that are keeping me more than busy.
I actually had a bit of a gaming slump, but I'm slowly getting back into it. I think the arrival of the next gen consoles and games has really helped things a lot. The development of games felt to me like it stagnated while games were focused on running on the Xbox 360 and PS3. In the same sense, that's not to say there were no decent games because of the Xbox 360 and PS3 because there actually were, but I feel now gaming has become more interesting because of the lack of hardware limitation, and we are starting to see some interesting games on both the next gen consoles and PC.:)
I tend to feel the same as the OP when it comes to AAA titles. Due to the amount of money ploughed into them they *have* to be safe-bets for the company making them which means iterations on proven successes. Consequently there's rarely something that's totally out there. I got that spark again when DayZ went into public alpha but stuff like that is rare. I tend to just play a few games now that have a lot of depth (e.g. DoTA).

30,000 words, 120 pages and the game isn't even half finished. Get reading. :p

I think middle aged affluence + extreme sales = a confusingly massive backlog and too much choice. I still find plenty to entertain me. Currently playing xenoblade, uncharted 3 and pillars of eternity. Dark Souls is on the backburner as well.
I too am in a gaming slump, just havent been too many games in recent times which have truly grabbed me. Overall I would say that there were less than half a dozen titles in 2014 which I rated as "great" games. (foremost being my personal game of the year, Alien Isolation). My favourite genre of game is the MMO genre and to be frank, 2015 is looking like a hugely empty year for that genre too.
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