I think it is this. We mostly take games for granted now since they're thrown at us from all angles.Part of the problem is too much choice.
Most of us have a massive Steam library of games we picked up in the sales and deciding what to play is impossible.
Back in the days of cartridges and CD games, you were lucky if you more than two games to choose from. Mostly down to the relative high cost, so you chose games wisely and played them to death.
I spend more time playing retro games now than anything else, other than iRacing.
Once the initial excitment over GTA V's boring single player campaign has died down and multiplayer becomes a 'disconnect' fest we will be lulled into playing Witcher 3 and so forth. I am 39 now and hardly glance at most of the unplayed titles in my collection, simply because I have too many of them. I WANT to finish off Bioshock Infinite but stone me it feels like the same clunky game that was Bioshock - rummage through ALL the things and find ammo everywhere. Obviously there is an excellent backstory there like Bioshock but the gameplay just pulls me away from wanting to see it.
Ubisoft and EA I rarely look at anymore. The former makes games with UI's and experiences that feel too samey from title to title (AC and FarCry) and EA's sub-divisions produce nothing but bugfest's - although Dragon Age 3 I believe was a robust title.
I miss the days when I could buy a title, sit down on the bog and read a hefty manual to get a good amount of backstory before plunging into the game.
I presently play Payday 2 and Minecraft Feed the Beast on a daily basis as I can appreciate the vast amount of work that has gone into those two titles. Just take a break if I was you OP - GTA V I foresee will be buggy and rife with multiplayer issues for a while, yet Witcher 3 if that interests you maybe worth looking at due to the brilliant developers who have amazing attitudes to gaming.
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