Has the gaming industry gone stale or am I in a gaming mid life crisis?

kickstarter and early access is bad for gaming most of them just take the money and run like day z then just leave a skeleton staff to add the occasional new item now and then.
kickstarter and early access is bad for gaming most of them just take the money and run like day z then just leave a skeleton staff to add the occasional new item now and then.

How is Kickstarter bad for gaming?

I see it as a somewhat liberation for gaming. Allowing the consumer to dictate what game they want. Allowing the developers to break away from publishers and produce games they want.
Oh look it's another 'gaming is boring nowdays, used to be better in my day blah blah blah' there are plenty of interesting and unique games these days if you look.
I have to say I’m so grateful for Kickstarter. They are responsible for bringing in games that would simply not have seen the light of day.

Larion and Obsidian both stated that without Kickstarter both companies would have gone bankrupt. They are responsible for Divinity and Pillars of Eternity, 2 of the best games released in the last 12 months.

I have just backed the new Toejam and Earl game that I have high hopes for and Kingdom come deliverance should be released around summer next year. I have Alpha for Kingdome come, and I can tell you the game is looking fantastic.

Sure there are some bad eggs, but I have backed around 10 projects and either been happy with them or expect to be happy with them. Kickstarter for me has actually improved gaming massively, maybe the success of the titles I have mentioned above will convince the likes of EA and Ubisoft that there is more to games that really pretty explosions. Don’t get me wrong, I like pretty explosions as much as the next man, but variety is really is the spice of life.
I had that feeling right after I set up my new PC. I fired up Steam, went through my games library, looked at the new releases, and thought myself **** there's nothing I want to play! I did grab ARMA 3 when it was on sale, and there's nothing like good ol' SWAT 4, so that's gonna keep me busy for a while.

On the brighter side, there's Star Citizen to look forward to and hopefully GTA5 and Witcher 3 won't be a let down.
There's my opinion, and there's the wrong opinion :D

A lot of the most interesting games these days are coming from indies, but a lot of them seem to be suffering from the delusion that we miss the 16bit graphics that accompanied all those interesting and experimental games from the last century.

Some of the deepest games I've ever played were published in the late 80's or early 90's and haven't been bested yet. But I endured the graphics because that's what was possible at the time. With Unity and Unreal practically free, there's no excuse for looking like a VIC20 reject these days. Sort it out devs ;)
It's stale (saying. The only thing I have played for the 6 months is Elite, but then its my 2nd favourite game of all time. (wolfenstein being the first) and I like the old school grind where everything is not on a plate.

But the next big thing is going to be immersion we should see some life in the industry when they all scrabble to hit on what works and doesn't.

I predict big development in use powered sex toys 6 months after the rift is out.
Games are too mainstream now. Just another commodity to pump out to the masses.

20 years ago games were made by passionate people who didn't know if the medium was going to take off, but enjoyed what they were doing. Now there are massive marketing departments, board of directors, shareholders, all wanting a slice of the pie They've turning coding into a factory line rather than a challenging problem to puzzle out.

I wish games were niche and geeky again :)
I play mainly MMOs now. I have WoW, SWTOR and STO accounts and I play whatever genre takes my fancy. When they all released new content at the same time it was a bugger choosing what to play! I'm currently running through Pillars of Eternity which has my attention at the moment and I'm waiting for Arkham Knight to come out before I commit to buying a console (although I'm buying a new PC System in a couple of months time too to replace the one in my sig - expensive year this is going to be).

I'm 44 this year and have played games since I was 8 - there is definately too much choice and too much similarity between games but I still have my favourite genres and production houses - Bioware, Blizzard, Obsidian, etc.
Oh look it's another 'gaming is boring nowdays, used to be better in my day blah blah blah' there are plenty of interesting and unique games these days if you look.

You have to look to indie devs and smaller devs for interesting games.

The big boys are too busy making Fifa 2015 and Generic Shooter 9.

I've been putting in time on Dwarf Fortress recently. Fantastic "Sims"/Terraria cross game but with psychotic dwarves, alcohol, and undead mussel shell armies.
I feel exactly the same but I think its a combination of several factors. When you have been playing from the age of Amstrad 1512 (Elite, Defender of the Crown, Wing Commander and XCOM later) it's hard to get impressed 20-25 years later.
Regarding the current games I feel they lack depth and focus only in graphics.
During the last years I have only really finished and enjoyed the XCOM range, Civ5, Fifa, Football Manager series and the latest Tomb Raider. Thinks were worse for me in the consoles too. My cousin had bought me a PS4 as a present and only enjoyed the Uncharted series!! Anything else was boring for me..
this thread is why i believe VR will be massive for the gaming industry.

i'm the same as the OP. i'm bored of pc games, though i watch many youtube channels of others playing games, and often check the forum here hoping i'll come across a game that catches my attention but so few do these days.

in the last couple years i can only list DayZ and Minecraft as games that got my attention, and when they got it they got all my attention, so it's not like i can't get into games, it's just there are none worthy any more.
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Can't really understand all the negativity, to be honest. I've been gaming since the end of the 80s and, for me, things have never been better.

That said, I don't play many AAAs, not much to take my fancy there, but the indie scene is incredible. And games are so cheap, with so much variety... I only wish I had more than about 12 hours a month of gaming time to play them all.

If you're finding games no fun, you're playing the wrong games.
So far this year, besides looking forward to GTAV, not one other single game has had me excited in any genre. Quite disappointing really....looking through the steam catalog it's just same old junk after same old junk, nothing pushing any boundaries or introducing something really new and refreshing (at least not within my interests)
Glad it's not just me then. I thought maybe I had started to move on from gaming, but judging by most of these posts, I'm not alone. It seems things are moving more and more to early access/crowd funding, which isn't always a bad thing (Star Citizen).

Hopefully things will pick up this year. Looking out for:

Star Citizen (Hopefully)
The Witcher 3
New Deus Ex
Batman Arkham Knight

I'm not sure if the majority of developers today are playing it safe by trying to maximize profits with the same old tried and tested method, rather than pushing something new/interesting that is more risky for investors, but much more enjoyable experience for the players.

I want to see big changes to the Battlefield formula, rather than just a re-skin every year or so. I'd love to see another Supreme Commander (The original, not 2), but the chances of that happening is extremely slim. A new Elder Scrolls would be a welcome. There is only so much modding you can do to Skyrim. :p

Battleduty : Need for Auto Creed 21

Pretty much sums it up. :p
It is annoying as I spent a fair amount on my PC and bought a 4k display and the only game I really properly got hooked on for the last God knows how long was This War of Mine which would probably run just as well on a £90 Android tablet.

Big budget AAA games have just been pretty meh recently, with a few exceptions like Alien Isolation and SoM was pretty good.

Just my opinion of course.
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