Has the PS3's time come?

Can you really say that of the 360 though? It has been the lead platform fo so long and has a standard architecture, so whilst I would say that it's performance has been much better than the ps3 up to now, I couldn't agree that it's potential hasn't already been tapped.

Though, perhaps if the ps3 becomes the lead dev platform, that will indirectly benefit the 360 into the way the games are coded.

By your reckoning then FF12 and God of War on the PS2 shouldn't have looked any better than games that were made 5 years into the PS2's life. What makes you think that after 2 years the whole of the 360s power has been tapped? 6 threaded programming is not a simple task to get right and make efficient and for some bizarre reason you think programming for the 360 is a walk in the park compared to the PS3 when in reality making full use of either system is a complete pain in the ass.
Everything has to evolve, and that includes DVD's.

Most retailers and rental outlets (in my area) have recently expanded their shelf space for Blu-ray which would suggest that the market has also expanded.

A little to late for what exactly???
For the media, i dont see this current resolution jump (in movie terms) as a HUGE leap, its not that big, already there is atalk of better reolutions being created for screens, im not talking gaming exactly but on the home AV scene.
Br ray still isnt finalised or so it will be by around 2009 maybe sooner, i jsut dont see poeple buying into it.
Whilst streaming, rental and other medias grow and become cheaper.
I can't help but feel this whole "360 has better graphics card therefore = w1n" thing is misguided. Remember, all a graphics card is is a specialised bit of hardware for doing specific types of calculations, to offload the work from the cpu leaving it free for other jobs.

The 360 follows the traditional programming style of pcs of bigger gfx card = better performance. The ps3 does not follow this tradition. It favours a better structure CPU in order to bring about better performance for doing specific jobs straight off the CPU rather than having to run the data over the slow bus. This would offer potentially great improvements over the traditional approach. The disadvantage of this is that it requires more work in order to get the right threads to execute on the right bit of hardware, which is very different to how things are done on pc/360.

However, this is the way things will be done in the future so the cell is a little before it's time. I guess sony wanted to hasten this tradition to the benefit of the ps3 against the competition.

So, right now yes the 360s better gfx may lead to better performance because the dev is still mainly done in the traditional approach, but as things move over to specialised multi threaded approaches, I would expect the cell to really overtake what the 360 offers. Hopefully, this is what Mirror's Edge represents, but we will see.
By your reckoning then FF12 and God of War on the PS2 shouldn't have looked any better than games that were made 5 years into the PS2's life. What makes you think that after 2 years the whole of the 360s power has been tapped? 6 threaded programming is not a simple task to get right and make efficient and for some bizarre reason you think programming for the 360 is a walk in the park compared to the PS3 when in reality making full use of either system is a complete pain in the ass.

Yeah, you look at games like Gears of War 2 on the 360 which already looks technically way more accomplished than early games on the system, same goes for Killzone 2 on the PS3 and The Conduit on Wii.

There's always been a gradual curve of games becoming more and more advanced along their consoles' lifespan, this generation certainly won't be any different, and has the potential to be the most surprising because of how nuanced each and every single of the consoles' hardware this cycle are. From the DS and PSP to the 360 and PS3.
For the media, i dont see this current resolution jump (in movie terms) as a HUGE leap, its not that big, already there is atalk of better reolutions being created for screens, im not talking gaming exactly but on the home AV scene.
Br ray still isnt finalised or so it will be by around 2009 maybe sooner, i jsut dont see poeple buying into it.
Whilst streaming, rental and other medias grow and become cheaper.

Infrastructure and FUP of the UK ISP's is what stops streaming and download services from taking off.

Will be atleast another 10 - 15 years before that becomes a legitimate contender.

Also lets not forget that film studios and publishers like boxed media, keeps the prices higher than if it was just download.

Think about it, no point going on about downloads ... its whatever big business supports.
Ultimately like pc's it's the graphics chip that makes the difference and ps3 (7800gtx) and the 360 (x1900) are not miles apart, the 360 has the advantage if anything. The ps3 'cell' is a bit talked up imo, at the end of the day it is just a processor, anyone remember the ps2 'emotion engine' hype?

It isn't quite like that, because the call is also very good at rendering images. What developers are doing is offloading some of the rendering onto the cell and doing post processing with the RSX.
I think when the first final fantasy game, and first full GT game comes out for the PS3 then its "time will come".

That's when I'll be getting another PS3. I sold my PS3 when the GT5 demo turned out to be nothing special but from the past GT games I expect a lot from the final release and I've yet to play a poor core final fantasy game.
Infrastructure and FUP of the UK ISP's is what stops streaming and download services from taking off.

Will be atleast another 10 - 15 years before that becomes a legitimate contender.

Also lets not forget that film studios and publishers like boxed media, keeps the prices higher than if it was just download.

Think about it, no point going on about downloads ... its whatever big business supports.
All true, in fact BT are going to have a hard time with there network at this rate.
It may stop services in the UK but many (if not most im not sure) of Europe are by far in a much better position for markets to make the most of Donloads a viable option in a much shorter time frame.
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Microsoft is being very silly by trying to start download services as the next big media platform, it's just not going to work. Media is only going more high definition and more lossless clarity - filesizes are going up more than our download and upload speeds are! Massive swathes of the planet are still burdened with abysmal speeds, some still on 56k. It's just not feasible at all, and Microsoft are so naive and ignorant in thinking they have a real chance to replace dvd and blu-ray as the premier formats of choice with download services. There's also the issue of consumer knowledge and ignorance.
By your reckoning then FF12 and God of War on the PS2 shouldn't have looked any better than games that were made 5 years into the PS2's life. What makes you think that after 2 years the whole of the 360s power has been tapped? 6 threaded programming is not a simple task to get right and make efficient and for some bizarre reason you think programming for the 360 is a walk in the park compared to the PS3 when in reality making full use of either system is a complete pain in the ass.

PS2 was another new dev platform to learn whilst 360 isn't, so one would expect the rewards the ps2 would yield over time to be more striking than the 360. Yes it has 6 general purpose threads to work with, but this is relatively much easier to work with than the cell, which is multi threaded with specialised SPEs.

If I ssaid programming for the 360 was a walk in the park, it was because the 360 is an extension of general purpose multi threaded programming, that devs have been doing for a while now. The ps3 is a completely new approach, so doesn't it make sense that it would take longer before the ps3's latent power is tapped?
Microsoft is being very silly by trying to start download services as the next big media platform, it's just not going to work. Media is only going more high definition and more lossless clarity - filesizes are going up more than our download and upload speeds are! Massive swathes of the planet are still burdened with abysmal speeds, some still on 56k. It's just not feasible at all, and Microsoft are so naive and ignorant in thinking they have a real chance to replace dvd and blu-ray as the premier formats of choice with download services. There's also the issue of consumer knowledge and ignorance.

so they have 56k modems but have hdtvs ?
It isn't quite like that, because the call is also very good at rendering images. What developers are doing is offloading some of the rendering onto the cell and doing post processing with the RSX.

That creates issues with memory bandwidth though so it's definitely not ideal.

Ultimately I don't see wither platform vastly outperforming the other but sony are in a good position for their next generation console as all they need to do is take the Cell architecture, add a few more daughter processors and up the clock and hey presto, a powerful system with very little R&D costs.
Yeah, it's basically down to common hardware architectures that has been around and saw little evolution in design since the days of the Voodoo, versus a design that's relatively unique and unknown. The Cell didn't have any software programmers at the time it came out on PS3 and in other computer systems, it was literally a complete unknown at the time. So naturally there is a large gap in brainpower between the two hardware configurations.
so they have 56k modems but have hdtvs ?

I don't know where to start with this post, but I'll go for the most blindingly obvious; your television set and signal does not correlate to your internet network speed. Also, you can be in an area that only offers 56k internet speed due to poor infrastructure, but be able to buy a HDTV from a local shop.
PS2 was another new dev platform to learn whilst 360 isn't, so one would expect the rewards the ps2 would yield over time to be more striking than the 360. Yes it has 6 general purpose threads to work with, but this is relatively much easier to work with than the cell, which is multi threaded with specialised SPEs.

If I ssaid programming for the 360 was a walk in the park, it was because the 360 is an extension of general purpose multi threaded programming, that devs have been doing for a while now. The ps3 is a completely new approach, so doesn't it make sense that it would take longer before the ps3's latent power is tapped?

You can substitute the PS2 for any other console. No console reached its performance so soon in its lifespan, what makes you think the 360 is so simple in comparison to any other console? Parallel processing in games is a new approach for all systems, including PCs, so every platform is currently suffering because of it and not reaching their potential (bar the Wii of course).
I don't know where to start with this post, but I'll go for the most blindingly obvious; your television set and signal does not correlate to your internet network speed. Also, you can be in an area that only offers 56k internet speed due to poor infrastructure, but be able to buy a HDTV from a local shop.

what percentage of hdtv owners will be that ? less than 1% ?
or the companies should care about the people that get cam rips from their mates?
so they have 56k modems but have hdtvs ?

Believe it or not yes....

My father in law who's 62 has a 1080P Panasonic HDTV, yet only has a 56K modem. I aksed him why the 56K modem and he said that he has no need for anything faster...

Also I only have a 1mb line which wouldn't be adequate for HD material downloads, as it takes me 3+ hours just to download 1.5gb demo's and I believe a HD film would be in the region of 4-5gb so it would take me all day just to download one movie.

I think I'd stick to walking round the corner to get my film.
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