I've been gaming from the age of 4 on an old Atari pong console, VIC20's, C64s, Amigas, consoles, PC's. Wasted far too much time on them really.
I gave up gaming probably 3 years ago now, at least, constant gaming. It's meant more time with family, studying, learning, doing. I still play now and then. Think I play SWTOR around Christmas 2015 for a couple of months but got bored. Can't remember playing much the year after until Christmas 2016 when I picked up Satellite Reign and Shadow Tactics (SR was fun if a little buggy, but ST was great). Again, didn't really touch much last year until this Christmas when I run through several games (Dishonoured 2, Just Cause 3, Newest Wolfenstein game and a couple of others I've barely started such as Duskers)
I enjoy more story driven games over MP and MMO, plus I'm always looking for good C&C and Commando's replacements but I'm so out of the loop I'm not sure what to look at. Need to invest in a decent controller for some games and I've also been considering VR
I think I just got bored of doing things over and over and over and over again so MP's and MMO's got boring, even games like Diablo 3 or The Division. I'd rather have a good story and an end point than just keep recycling the game over and over to get slightly better items that ultimately, will die in digital space leaving no trace.
36 now, full time job, very part-time (wedding photography) job, 2 kids, wife, mortgage, at the age when I want to do more for my family and know when I go I've left something behind.