Has your gaming changed?

I wouldn't bat an eyelid if there was never another online multi-player game made ever again. I get the extra competiveness of playing against real people but the actual gameplay and experience is really shallow for me. I'll take an immersive single player campaign each and every time.

Kingdom Deliverance in a few weeks should satisfy you then :)
Because if I want to play an FPS I play BF2. How preposterous is that?/QUOTE]

Not at all, was by far the best battlefield game made to date. Looks a bit dated though now, would be cool if they could revamp the graphics without changing anything else and re release it.
Definitely. Sitting down to play a game for hours I tend to get a guilt complex; and start to think I should be doing something more productive with my time.

I know it sounds rather odd. I think this paranoia comes from friends, colleagues and family; when they ask what I did yesterday/weekend? Gaming is still a bit of a Taboo topic, whilst sitting and watching crap on TV; binging on a box set is perfectly agreeable?

Anyway, back on topic. The current AAA PC games hold little interest for me, too cinematic (scripted) so retro gaming is for me. The nostalgia of classic games, I either played or yearned is a big draw.

I picked up a Switch as a treat for quitting smoking. I was unsure but what the hell. The idea of portability was the main motive. Tablet conversions are great but touch controls - I hate. Anyway, the Switch was left untouched for 4 months as buyers remorse set in; I thought it was a bit childish.

I fired it up last night for the first time to play Skyrim. I could not help but grin like a loon! Whilst I am rubbish with console controls, just chilling in bed, listening to music, it was great and the spring board to re-kindle my interest in gaming.
It's all about the pursuit of happiness mate. That's what life is all about, doing stuff that makes you happy. I consider all the time I spend gaming as time well spent as I absolutely enjoy it.
I first got into pc games online when ages of empires was there game to play but then drifted to consoles and returned to pcs years later. I would like a remake timesplitters and I really enjoyed the kill zone series on PlayStation.
I've been gaming from the age of 4 on an old Atari pong console, VIC20's, C64s, Amigas, consoles, PC's. Wasted far too much time on them really.

I gave up gaming probably 3 years ago now, at least, constant gaming. It's meant more time with family, studying, learning, doing. I still play now and then. Think I play SWTOR around Christmas 2015 for a couple of months but got bored. Can't remember playing much the year after until Christmas 2016 when I picked up Satellite Reign and Shadow Tactics (SR was fun if a little buggy, but ST was great). Again, didn't really touch much last year until this Christmas when I run through several games (Dishonoured 2, Just Cause 3, Newest Wolfenstein game and a couple of others I've barely started such as Duskers)

I enjoy more story driven games over MP and MMO, plus I'm always looking for good C&C and Commando's replacements but I'm so out of the loop I'm not sure what to look at. Need to invest in a decent controller for some games and I've also been considering VR

I think I just got bored of doing things over and over and over and over again so MP's and MMO's got boring, even games like Diablo 3 or The Division. I'd rather have a good story and an end point than just keep recycling the game over and over to get slightly better items that ultimately, will die in digital space leaving no trace.

36 now, full time job, very part-time (wedding photography) job, 2 kids, wife, mortgage, at the age when I want to do more for my family and know when I go I've left something behind.
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32 now I don't have much time anymore. I stick to single player games like total war series. I made a second start on Witcher 3 then gave up as I don't have the time.
Yes multiplayer can be exciting but so can single player and a good single player game is always consistently more satisfying than anything online, plus you get the awesome stories and set pieces that never seem to happen in rinse-and-repeat multiplayer:

No Cheating
No racism
no hatred
no accusations of cheating if you're any good etc. etc.
Reading this thread I realised that my computer gaming habits haven't really changed since I started in 1984.

I play just about any genre, as long as it's not multiplayer and not a beat-em-up (the country music of gaming, I find). There's good to find just about everywhere, except:

Multiplayer is as obnoxious as anything can get, the only exception seems to be the ArmA series, probably because it's too demanding for the kiddies and the usual multiplayer retarded to want to get involved in. Even single player AAA games seem to be a cruel prank on gamers who don't realise that the while graphics are getting better, everything else about them stinks to high heaven. I can't believe people still fall for companies like EA and Ubisoft. It's like screaming: kick me!

But there's an enormous flood of fantastic indie games (big and small) with which I can spend endless hours enjoying myself, so I can't complain, but I do sometimes sit in wonder about people.
Gaming changed? my gaming habit has hit a brick wall, if only I could find one game of interest, I think many of those involved in the game making business lack real substance and creativity in their minds, the whole video gaming industry too often relies heavily on the glorification of violence to sell their products. Name one noteworthy game that does not have any form of violence in it?
Gaming changed? my gaming habit has hit a brick wall, if only I could find one game of interest, I think many of those involved in the game making business lack real substance and creativity in their minds, the whole video gaming industry too often relies heavily on the glorification of violence to sell their products. Name one noteworthy game that does not have any form of violence in it?

FIFA? Up there at the top in terms of profit year in year out. I think violence is the least of the issues, it's the current microtransactions wherever we can approach that's being relied on all too often or demanding full pricing up front for early access and not delivering on the end goal.
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Nope, always played MP FPS and racing games, still only really play MP FPS and racing games.

Just the amount of time I spend gaming has reduced significantly.
The only change I have had is I don't play anywhere near as much as i used to. Maybe i just don't have the time , patience or interest.. I'm not sure.

I have been playing some older games that I never got round to playing first time round. Bit of fun with games that look like games and at a fraction of the cost. I'm currently playing Batman Arkham City for example. Very enjoyable.
It's all about the pursuit of happiness mate. That's what life is all about, doing stuff that makes you happy. I consider all the time I spend gaming as time well spent as I absolutely enjoy it.

totally, who cares what people think, i dont understand peoples issues with a bit of gaming when they are happy to sit there and watch a double episode of xfactor lol.
I try to refrain from save scumming in games these days. Before I wouldn't think twice about quick save/load before anything remotely hazardous or when anything vaguely negative happened in a game. At some point some months ago a switch must have flicked in my brain as now I realise there is just as much enjoyment recovering from a balls up than there is on 100% perfection at all times. I think it is the relatively recent influx of rougelike games like FTL which force you to play in this way, which has opened my eyes to the benefits of not always winning in a game. Now I just have to train myself not to want to break something when something particularly RNG or AI shenanigans happens.
You should check out Hellblade: Senua's Sacrafice too if you're looking for something different - it's really unique, looks stunning, satisfying combat with a decent sprinkle of WTFness going on throughout.

Nice, thanks. I saw this when it first surfaced but forgot all about it. Looks amazing now its finished.
I used to love PC gaming but recently i've just fallen out of love with it. I think i enjoy building them rather than playing with them nowadays. I picked up a xbox one x because shiny shiny and i love it to bits. I can play madden 18 and battlefront 2 in 4k at 60fps so i gives me little reason to go back to the PC.

I do love a good strategy game though so PC will always have a place in my heart.
I try to refrain from save scumming in games these days. Before I wouldn't think twice about quick save/load before anything remotely hazardous or when anything vaguely negative happened in a game. At some point some months ago a switch must have flicked in my brain as now I realise there is just as much enjoyment recovering from a balls up than there is on 100% perfection at all times. I think it is the relatively recent influx of rougelike games like FTL which force you to play in this way, which has opened my eyes to the benefits of not always winning in a game. Now I just have to train myself not to want to break something when something particularly RNG or AI shenanigans happens.

You don't really need to save constantly with most new games, even on hard they are pretty easy. You want hard, go play Taz on the Megadrive :D
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