Has your gaming changed?

I try to refrain from save scumming in games these days. Before I wouldn't think twice about quick save/load before anything remotely hazardous or when anything vaguely negative happened in a game. At some point some months ago a switch must have flicked in my brain as now I realise there is just as much enjoyment recovering from a balls up than there is on 100% perfection at all times. I think it is the relatively recent influx of rougelike games like FTL which force you to play in this way, which has opened my eyes to the benefits of not always winning in a game. Now I just have to train myself not to want to break something when something particularly RNG or AI shenanigans happens.
I'm still guilty of doing that a bit and you're right it really isn't necessary but my issue with games that don't have a quick save option and/or have big gaps between checkpoints is sometimes you just want to jump in for a quick go and be able to save it where you want without having to repeat parts. The absolute worst offender for me (and I know this is a deliberate design for the game) is the original Resident Evil remake and those damn ribbons for the typewriter - you have a limited amount that you collect throughout the game so you really have to be careful when you save. That's all well and good but what if you just want to play for half an hour and then duck out? You can't because you don't want to waste a precious ribbon. This stressed me out so much when I was playing the game that I never went back to it and I was really enjoying it.
I used to play games for longer for sure such as Red alert, transport tycoon, Theme hospital, Dungeon keep and FPS single player games (Doom, Quake, Half Life) Since about 2004 when multiplayer FPS had its boom though I slowed down and just went on for a quick blast with the exception of Battlefield 2 and Starcraft 2.

Most recently I played around with a Oculus DK2 & CV1 - Found Dirt Rally was the best game and also completed doom, doom2, freedoom, hellonearth starter pack on a quite hard difficulty.

Tonight I decided to have a Steam cleanup, uninstalling most games but installed Quake III

Still got it :D

Multiplayer games, be they shooters, mmo, racing or strategy have always been my favourite. Twenty solid years of loving multiplayer gaming in whichever form but since I've had kids, I obviously have less time to spend gaming. I value that time more and I don't want my gaming ruined by other people.

Most multiplayer games I play seem to be dominated by obnoxious ass hats. Forget GG, most of these people are such dicks that even on winning they'll take the opportunity to insult and troll their opponents.
More and more I'm choosing single player experiences where I can spend quality time enjoying story and gameplay without the stress of utter knobheads, who, win or lose are no fun to play with.
I used to play games for longer for sure such as Red alert, transport tycoon, Theme hospital, Dungeon keep and FPS single player games (Doom, Quake, Half Life) Since about 2004 when multiplayer FPS had its boom though I slowed down and just went on for a quick blast with the exception of Battlefield 2 and Starcraft 2.

Most recently I played around with a Oculus DK2 & CV1 - Found Dirt Rally was the best game and also completed doom, doom2, freedoom, hellonearth starter pack on a quite hard difficulty.

Tonight I decided to have a Steam cleanup, uninstalling most games but installed Quake III

Still got it :D


No Quake Champions?
I've been playing games since the Amiga 1200 days so a long time lol so yes my gaming habits have changed loads over the years, I'd say I started of liking racing games like the NFS games but soon got bored with them , I then went on to games like CS and played that for years and again got bored with it after 4 years , I then moved on to WoW and again played for 4 years and got bored with it when it changed so much , one of my all time top games online no doubt about it...... not played it in a few years now , I then moved on to games like BF1 2 , I then moved on to Rainbow Six last year and then Boom PUGB come out and that is the current game that has my attention along with Fifa 2018 , I do find myself getting bored very easily these days, tempted to give the VR headsets a go.
I'm now almost into my 41st year of gaming (Started with hunt the wumpus on a mates commadore pet and loved 3D Monster Maze on the ZX81 with the wobbly rampack) and the only difference like many others on here is the amount of time I get to play these days. I still love a bit of FPS, especially Battlefield as I find that the COD games just too arcadey and full of bunny hopping teens. They will never surpass the Original Modern Warfare (COD4) IMHO.

My best experiences though were when graphics were far worse than they are today but the gameplay was superb...Atari 8Bit thru C64 to Atari ST and Amiga 500 for me. Oh and on PC the time of the Voodoo 3DFX....now THAT was an upgrade. Obvious highlights were Half-Life games (Please do HL3, please...before I die would be good) Falcon 4 on ST and Amiga and Gunship on C64. Microprose games were king in my day...loved Flight Sims back then. Even got lucky and visited their HQ in Tetbury as part of a group of magazine readers for PC Review (At least I think it was called that).

Oh yes, those were the days. Just before Christmas I got a 2nd hand Rift with touch controllers.....Oh WOW.....gaming has just got interesting again. With a few more years and better tech this is gonna change everything....as long as they cure motion sickness of course. Can't wait for March and Ready Player One...I bet we see a small surge in VR headsets after that releases. :p
Not much has changed, I've always liked high quality games and I've always liked certain genres:

diablo 1 -> diablo 2 -> path of exile

doom -> quake -> half-life -> crysis -> battlefield series

warcraft -> red alert -> starcraft -> starcraft 2

ultima VII -> baldur's gate -> divinity original sin

ninja ryukenden -> king's field -> blade of darkness -> demon/dark souls

Civ series, Heroes of Might and Magic, Street Fighter series etc.

The time I have available for gaming is (obviously) the main thing that changed through the years.

Same here! Couldn't have said it better myself lol
No Quake Champions?

It looks too fresh looking for Quake and more like Unreal. Don't get get me wrong, I loved Unreal Tournament but Quake is supposed to be dark and gritty, like the original was. Far too many new games have lots of daft colours and on screen stuff that's not really needed
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