Have Any Of You Ever Eaten Dog Food?

haven't eaten any dog or cat related products yet but my son already has and he's only 2

(Before calling the Belgïe social workers he only ate a bit before I grabbed it off him he simply loves feeding our mut but gets confused sometimes... hehe
I hate stuff like this, all those comparisons and the only one that is granted the worthy status is the one with an advertisment at the bottom of the page, almost as bad as the tesco compare website


I'll stick with giving our dog Eukenuba Large Puppy Complete. It was recommended by our vets(even though they sell Hills)
Ive ate dog biscuites, bonios or whatever there called, the white bone shape ones lol

For some reason, some dog foods smell so nice to me, so nice that i have to go make myself something to eat because it makes me so hungry :eek: Am i weird :p
I worked on my nans pet store as a kind of "at school" job and most of the cat and dog biscuits contain 14% ash amongst other crud, no way I would even try them.
I feel weird admitting this but I once came back from work to find that my sisters dog had jumped up onto the kitchen worktop and scoffed two pies that I had left out for my lunch:mad: She was in the kitchen getting ready to feed her dog later on in the day when I told her to stop what she was doing. I said " That bloody dog of yours ate my dinner so I'll have it's instead" and took the freshly opened can from her hands. Looked at the lable which said it was liver and kidney flavour pedigree chum and I knew this wasn't going to be a nice experience:p So there I was, fork in hand, scooping out bits of this stuff and teasing the dog that was sat there waiting to be fed. After a minute or so of playing 'here comes the cho choo train' and opening my mouth pretending that I was going to eat it, I thought the dog had been humiliated enough and finally plucked up the courage to scoop some in me gob:eek:
The smell was bad enough but the taste was truly dirty. It didn't help that I was playing 'What part of an animal is that I'm popping into my mouth?' with every fork full. To save face in front of the dog (he bloody well knew I was suffering. I could see it in his eyes) and show that I wasn't giving up, I put as much tomato sauce and a good helping of salt into the tin and carried on munching. Tell you what though, I finished the lot but every fibre in my body was screaming at my brain to do something to get rid of whatever my stomach was now holding. Even after I barfed my load (away from straying dogs eyes) I was still having the dry heave for ages after that. I had bloody abs like big Arnie after that session:D

Also tried Winalot biscuits and they're just like stale weetabix. Not too bad on the taste buds, so overall I'd give that one the thumbs up! 7.5/10

Eaten Bonios before but not as nice as the winalot. 4/10

Tried the ones that looked like mini sausage rolls except it's marrowbone in the middle. These were dirty. A megre 2/10

I have, when i was a (very) poor student I made a dog food curry once. It wasn't too bad, but I never had it again tho'! The different shaped and coloured dog biscuits are quite nice.
I was in a competition called meal or no meal one, and basically it came down to two tins, one with rabbit flavour dog food, the other beans and sausages. Needless to say it was rigged, and I had to eat as much as i could in a minute, more than the other guy. I managed to swallow a spoonful and he threw up so I won. It was a £10 hmv voucher so all was well. Apart from the gf didn't kiss me for like a week.
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