Have Any Of You Ever Eaten Dog Food?

...most of the cat and dog biscuits contain 14% ash amongst other crud, no way I would even try them.

'Ash' in the context of 'nutritional information' on pet food has a specific meaning LOL It refers to the mineral content (of vitamin and mineral fame). The term 'ash' comes from the way labs test for the mineral content itself. A weighed sample is incinerated in a machine at a set temperature. The food burns off but the denser minerals don't - so the remaining 'ash' is the minerals... Hence 'ash content' ;)

That said you were still correct; dog and cat 'food' (using the term loosely) is absolute crud and very bad for their health. My dogs only get fresh species-appropriate food. That is, whole raw meaty bones and carcases (rabbits, hares, pheasants, chickens, fish etc). If you're feeding the right sort of meaty bones, your house shouldn't stink at all - they should be completely edible inside 5 to 10 minutes. In other words, not the huge round "marrow" weight bearing bones like cow legs.
Never eaten dog/cat food but I've tried fish flakes. Can't say I really recommend them. They're kinda like fishy rice paper which is what you'd expect really

I couldn't manage the whole raw potato or an entire raw onion though

God loves a trier :p
I have. Tasted of not much and was a bit gritty. Dog biscuits don't taste of much, just like flour and water baked until hard. Choc drops taste like wax with some sugar in it. Hardly much of a treat for Fido :(

Cat food is marginally better but the stuff in gravy really needs more flavour. Cat biscuits are just like dog biscuits only they are orange and green and taste slightly fishy :D

They love it though :)
where dog food is made [I worked there doing some building work], wou wouldnt beleive how clean the place is, they said that it would take an hour to convert the factory into human making food.
Ate a "Bonio" dog biscuit....was a little cardboardy.

Ate a "Choc Drop"....tasted NOTHING like chocolate.

Ate a spoonful of Pedigree Chum. It's relatively flavourless, but the texture hits you like a ton of bricks. Like Corned Beef mixed with a bowlful of Olive Oil, really sickening.

All the more power to dogs for eating the stuff! :)
A few years ago i had a house mate that was a real stoner and would spend his huge American student loan on cocaine and weed.

He would eat his girlfriends dog food (both wet and dry) from time to time, I don’t know if this was because he was stoned, he liked it or because he had no more money for food (i think the last 2)
Yes, once. And I threw it back at my new buddy, Ataturk, who served me this "K-9" poochy delight wrapped in naan bread.
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