Have you ever been in a fight?

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Nope, I've never had a fight and never hit anyone in anger. I've been threatened and pushed around a bit once, but I was in no position to fight back, he was a lot bigger than me. I legged it.

I dont get picked on and I dont attract trouble. :)
dmpoole said:
I actually saw somebody throw a punch into another boys face :eek:

Eh? Not sure what you mean, was that unheard of at that time?

I've only been on one fight when my mate (Who proberly the biggest and strongest person in the damn school) looked like he was in trouble as he's a pacifist of some sort. I took a few hits and was kicked on the floor by 5+ people, but it didn't hurt, it was mroe the shock of the situation that got to me.

All worth it for the flying headbut my mate gave the bully the next day :D
plenty when i was in my teens sadly, never when im out and about on my own but nowadays if im with my friends trouble can acure awhile ago had to step in for my friend he was being threatened for being gay by a couple of chavs :mad: i hate bullys :mad:.
had lot of fights with my sister long time ago :P unfortunately i was the one who was losing most of the time :/ but probably it doesnt count,no blood...
dmpoole said:
Have you ever been in a fight?
Are you often in fights?
Are you the type who gets picked on when out?
Any other relevant info?

1.far too many
2.not anymore
3.no but i was when i was at school.this is probably where the attitude problem,stubborness and aggression i have now come from.
I have only been in one proper fight, this girl/man (not sure which) told me to go **** my dead horse. My first horse had just died, I was very upset about this understandly. So i proceeded to grab her throat and bang her head against the nearest wall, my other hand/fist was slamming into her face. Cooking teacher then broke us up, I was comforted she was then told off nearly suspended. My head of year is so cool! :D
Haven't been in a fight since, don't want to really. Oh and im 16 :D
megzy said:
I have only been in one proper fight, this girl/man (not sure which) told me to go **** my dead horse. My first horse had just died, I was very upset about this understandly. So i proceeded to grab her throat and bang her head against the nearest wall, my other hand/fist was slamming into her face. Cooking teacher then broke us up, I was comforted she was then told off nearly suspended. My head of year is so cool! :D
Haven't been in a fight since, don't want to really. Oh and im 16 :D
:cool: i like a girl that can handle herself
She does actually! Im kinda friends with her now, but she annoys me and i remind her and she shuts up pretty quick! One of my best friends hates that girls friend so she smacked her in the face in the middle of an english lesson THAT was funny!!
I swear im not violent though!! hehe! Well not until people really **** me off!! :p
dmpoole said:
Have you ever been in a fight?
Are you often in fights?
Are you the type who gets picked on when out?
Any other relevant info?

You see, I'm nearly 48 and never been in a fight and I go to some very rough pubs.

Have you ever been in a fight?

Urm, far too many to be honest. The fact i've grown up where I have where every other person is a chav, I have two brothers with a total of 16 months between us and I was bullied at school can explain that one.

Are you often in fights?

Not that often, I don't go looking for fights as I don't enjoy them, but I won't run away if it finds me. I'm of the mentality that if you can say what you like to me but do that to friend or family and i'll flip. I've gone out looking for people in the past who've attacked my brother in the street. Someone also started on one of my brothers in a local park, next thing I know i've run faster than I knew my legs could carry me and i've smacked the sod in the side of the head and down they went. I feel like I should look out for the little guy because all through school, that little guy was me.

Are you the type who gets picked on when out?

I used to be. Not anymore now. I've learned how to intimidate those who like to try and intimidate me. Usually a "Don't push your luck" stare seems to work. If not, knowing how to "Talk the talk" seems to do the trick.

Any other relevant info?

I haven't had a full on 'adult' fight yet, which is a good thing. I've been involved in a fair amount of pushing and lip though. When I was at college once, some lad who thought he was God's gift thought it was a good idea to throw food at me. About the third day of him doing this, I just leaped across the table and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck, pushing him into the wall, telling him that doing what he was doing "Wasn't a smart idea.", needless to say he never did it again and all his mates loved me for putting him in his place :p

I'm not a violent person at all and I don't look it either ;)
What annoys me is that people think that you look like you won't put up a fight so they start on you, but when you do stand up for yourself they are surprised.
I have friends that are chavs and they get into fights for the hell of it, its just so stupid! :mad:
Sorry rant over now!! :D
Nitefly said:
Eh? Not sure what you mean, was that unheard of at that time?

During the 60s/70s playground fights were holding onto each other, throwing each other to the ground and pushing each other. During 71/72 I saw my first ever punch into somebody's face in a playground fight and it was unbelievable.
When I got home I told my friends who went to other surrounding 'lower class' schools and they were also amazed because punches didn't get thrown in the playground and I suppose it was because we feared the teachers were looking.
Of course some of you are going to ask your Dads and Grandads and they'll deny it but it was just the experiences of my area.
Out of school and away from teachers was a different matter and punches got threw regular but I never saw kicking, it was always Queensbury rules.
I can still remember the first time I read an article that a boy was kicked repeatedly in a schoolyard and it amazed me that this type of behaviour had started. This was around the early 80's.
OT: ^TANK^ you dont know Spammeh do you?

On Topic:

Not really been in a proper fight as such. The last time I was *nearly* in a fight was a long time ago and I have the scars from his teeth on my knuckles but there was nothing more to it - hardly counts as a fight.

Im big enough to handle myself but not big enough to draw attention. If any trouble is near I seem to melt away.
I have only been in 2 fights, both where in Tenerife, one was a drunk punch up between me and another lad who went, then I butted another lad who pushed me off a bench when I was talking to hawt girls.

I got up and just butted him.
DRZ said:
OT: ^TANK^ you dont know Spammeh do you?

On Topic:

Not really been in a proper fight as such. The last time I was *nearly* in a fight was a long time ago and I have the scars from his teeth on my knuckles but there was nothing more to it - hardly counts as a fight.

Im big enough to handle myself but not big enough to draw attention. If any trouble is near I seem to melt away.
:confused: who is Spammeh
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Gilly said:
Plenty. Not something I'm proud of.

Don't usually get started on but used to.

I'd walk through fire for a mate, so if a mate is ever in trouble I am too.

Usually in the kebab shop a the top of westgate???


Been in a few on the rugby pitch, not many round town as i don't usually get into trouble and if i do, there's usually a few of the prop forwards around to sort it out (Prop No1 = 'Fatty', 6'2" 18st, Prop No2 = 'Fattys Bro', 6'4" 19st, Prop No3 = 'Fattys other Bro', 6'1 17st, Prop No4 = 'Tiny' (The biggest of the lot!!!), 6'4" 22st + his old fella is usually out with us and he is nearly as big as Tiny!).

Worst one i was ever in was when i was about 20yr old, a girl who worked on the bar with me at the local pub had had the **** kicked out of her by her boyfriend, he came into the pub acting like the big hard man he wasnt, after i had pounded on him for a good 20 minutes, i realised that there was nearly as much blood coming out of my hands as out of his face. When i got home i found his two front teeth stuck in my fingers! Not something i am proud of, but felt right at the time.
Nitefly said:
Eh? Not sure what you mean, was that unheard of at that time?

im only 17 and i have never actually seen someone be punched properly in the face so it cant be a time related thing
dmpoole said:
Have you ever been in a fight?
Are you often in fights?
Are you the type who gets picked on when out?
Any other relevant info?

You see, I'm nearly 48 and never been in a fight and I go to some very rough pubs.

No, im 6ft 3, i think that helps
Never started a fight ever but finish all of them. Black belt in taekwondo
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