If you have User Account Control disabled and some of the processes which you run need administrative rights to function (rightly or wrongly), due to the changes which have been made to Windows 8 in terms of the integrity level processes run at, I'm afraid there isn't a lot that you can do.
The program's which require administrative rights to function, you will either have too right click on the application and click on the 'Run as administrator' option every time you want to run it, or open up the properties window for those specific applications which are causing you issues and check the 'Run this program as an administrator' option, like Hyperst mentioned in his post here. This being the most convenient option for you, obviously.
If you have UAC enabled, and run the applications which prompted you to make this thread, does the elevation dialog appear? Or do you still have to do one of the two things mentioned above?
Yes it appears, it also does with SWTOR, so I will contact them, it's as per the previous page where they have to have the same run level I guess.
So you want to fix it, you know it needs admin privileges, yet you don't apply the fix and want us to tell you what's wrong with your system.
On a more serious note, at the install of windows 8 it ask's for some help setting it up or you can go with what's recommended, did you go with whats recommended or did you do it your self, I ask because I went with the defaults that windows 8 chose for me and my TS3 works fine so far.
I can't remember mate, I think I just went with the default options and changed all the under the bonnet stuff afterwards.
As for wanting to fix it, it clearly works on other PCs running as a normall process, so something is clearly different on my PC. As above, if I put on UAC, it requests admin elevation. However, as does SWTOR so I may go an 'rant' on their forum.
I'm not ranting mate, just disappointed that people tell me how to use my computer when I couldn't care less. I may send them an email, cheers.Silly question, but have you actually contacted the developers of TS3? Seems to me they're the ones you should be ranting to.